Part ten

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"So we need to talk about school." Once again, Gemma and the girls are having dinner. It's the best time for the woman to talk to them with (relatively) few distractions.

"Mom didn't want us to go to school. After kindergarten she decided we learn better at home." Surprisingly this came from Cady. She prefers learning in silence without distraction.

"I know, and I'm not saying that she was wrong."

"I'm learning faster with M3gan than I ever have before.We're already on fourth-grade math. But I'm willing to try school again."

"See? it's about more than just grades, Cady. It's about developing social skills, and that is something that you can only get from spending time around other kids. Real kids." She directs the last part at Phoebe. She may be agreeing with her at the moment, but it needed to be said.

"I found this place. It's kind of an alternative school. You get to learn outdoors. And it's just for kids who are exactly like you, kids who think outside the box. And they're having a day for prospective students tomorrow."

"Can I bring M3gan?" Here we go. "Just for the first day. To help my nerves."

"Phoebe, you know that's not possible." 

"Not going then?" Cady knew she was being rude, but this whole M3gan thing is driving her nuts. "Oh, come on, Cady. I'm not passing up a chance to get out in nature. I'd just feel better with her there."

"Why? You have me! That used to be enough." Phoebe looks hurt. Cady used to say she wished Phoebe would just leave her alone "Get a life!" She'd said once. "Hey, I'm sorry. Let's just talk about it." But Phoebe isn't having it. She jumps up and starts making her way to the stairs. "Hey, hey, hey." Gemma and Cady fallow her.

Surprisingly she doesn't go to her shared bedroom, but to the attic. A corner with a slanting roof is sectioned off by a sheet Cady recognizes as having once been on her parents' bed. The space is full of things from Phoebe's old room. Cady grabs her sister's arm, forcing her twin to face her. "Let me go!" She shoves Cady, causing her to stumble back. She would've fell down the stairs if Gemma hadn't been behind her.

"Whoa. Hey. What's going on? Hey Cady, you ok?" 

"Yeah." She says softly. "Phoebe we really need to talk about this."

"No. Leave me alone." 

"But you'll talk about it with that annoying hunk of metal won't you?" Phoebe sees red. Before she knows what she's doing she slaps Cady across the face. 

"What are you doing? Stop it!" Gemma is shocked. How could this normally sweet girl, this green thumbed cherub in a ruffled skirt, be so suddenly violent? "Phoebe, calm down!" Gemma makes a move to grab Phoebe. She acts without thinking, clamping down on her arm. Then M3gan intervened.  "Let her go!" Gemma does so in surprise.

"You are not to interfere with users' private conversations. Is that clear?"

"Hundred percent. Recalibrating response model."

"M3gan, turn off."

"Are you sure? Download in progress." Confused by the pair's odd behavior, Gemma decides to leave them alone for a bit. Phoebe to calm down and M3gan to finish recalibrating. Cady goes to fume in her room.

The school appears pretty nice. Soft music is playing and kids are chatting. "Phoebe, this is getting ridiculous. I'm supposed to be at work already. You're gonna have fun once you get into it."

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