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Yn- ahhhhhhhhhh today I am so late

* Yn is so late for her work she quickly get ready *

Yn is about to go but her stepmom saw her and pull her hair

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Yn is about to go but her stepmom saw her and pull her hair

S/m- bitch where are you going

Yn - ahhh mom it's hurt

S/m- where are you going


S/m- then who do house work

Yn - mom plz leave me

S/m- bitch first do housework then go to work

Yn-ok( crying)

*A/v pov*

Yn is a sweet,shy, innocent,cute, hardworking girl her mom died when she was 5 year old and her dad marry to your stepmom but your dad is also died in accident when you are 12  but your stepmom think that you are the reason of your father accident so she is become greedy for money you have to leave your school for money and you are working on cafe let's back to story

*Yn pov*

I was done with then I go to my work

Rosie- yn what happen to you today you also late are you ok


Manager- yn why are you so late

Yn-sorry sir

Manager- you have to stay at cafe at 2:00 pm okay

Yn- yess sir

*At 2:00pm*

Yn-finally my work is done but today I have to walk 😔

( i was going to alley because this is short cut)

I was going but then I can feel that someone is following me so I trun and saw one guy is following me and I start to running after 5 min I saw there is no one but i bump into someone and fall

???- are you okay girl and what are you doing at this hours

Yn-sorry I have to go and ran away

???- strange

*At morning*

I was about to go but mom stop me

S/m- bitch where are you yesterday night

Yn-mom ac...

S/m- i don't want your excuse and give me money

Yn- but

S/m- i don't want to hear anything

Yn-handed her money

*At cafeteria*

Manager - yn go and take order


(??? Pov)

I was talking to someone but someone interfere me

Yn-sir what do you want to eat

???-ice cappuccino

Yn-anything else

???- no

???-( in mind) she is that night girl she is really beautiful

Yn-he is weird i can't see his face he is wearing mask

* Yn serve him order *

???- bill pls

Yn-here sir

???- thanks btw what is your name

Yn-yn and your

???- jungkook you have beautiful name like you


Jungkook- nothing

* then he go to his car*


*At night*

S/m- hey bitch today I am to my friend house


*After 10 mins*

Yn-ahh I am hungry wth there is nothing to eat let's buy ramen

( yn wear her hoodie)

Yn put her hand on ramen but someone also put hand

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Yn put her hand on ramen but someone also put hand

Yn-excuse me can I have this



???- I am jungkook

Yn-ohh sorry I can't see you face

( he remove his mask)

Jungkook - you can have this ramen


*Outside store*

Jungkook - where are you live

Yn- c66

Jungkook - let me drop you

Yn-no need

Jungkook - as your wish
{ I guys it's me your cute author

This is my second ffs If I do any mistake plz forgive me

And my first story is also interesting so check my story}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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