Chapter 25: First day at Hastinapur

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    Amidst the sacred ambiance of the Ganga ghats, where the timeless waters of the river gently lap at the ancient stones, there stands a figure like a shadow, draped in flowing black attire.

Her ebony attire, though unconventional in the resplendent setting, seems to mirror the profound mystery of the epic tale itself. A shroud of darkness veils her form, concealing her identity, and yet, her presence is strikingly luminescent, like a radiant eclipse against the backdrop of the holy river. The aura so powerful that it forced people to look back at the person one last time.

Adorned in her ebony cloak, she stands as a symbol of unwavering devotion to Lord Surya, the sun god, her connection to the divine obscured by the very darkness that emphasizes her faith. Her black mask, an enigmatic accessory, conceals her facial expressions, making her devotion all the more intriguing. It is as though she has surrendered her own identity to become one with the timeless narrative of the Mahabharata.

As the sacred waters of the Ganga flow around her, carrying with them the whispers of countless prayers and the echoes of ancient battles, she stands in solemn reverence. Her silhouette, etched against the backdrop of the sun's first light, is a testament to the enduring power of faith and the profound connection between humanity and the divine.

In this moment, as she offers her prayers to Lord Surya, she embodies the spirit of the Mahabharata—a tale of epic proportions, where devotion, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of righteousness unfold beneath the watchful gaze of the heavens. Her presence is a reminder that amidst the grandeur of legends, it is the silent and devoted souls who keep the flame of faith alive, even in the darkest of times.

"Hey Suryadev, this is the beginning of my new journey. I wish to stop any unnecessary bloodshed possible. So many innocent souls were sacrificed, so many people who lived by dharma all their lives, were blinded by it and unfortunately committed adharma, so many People's adharma, their evilness was hidden. I hope the war might be stopped but I know for Dharmastaphna it's important that war happens. I hope I can save those innocent souls who were wronged. Give me strength. Give me Strength. Om Ghrinim Surya Adityamu ( "Om and salutations to the shining one who heals the eyes") " Prayed bhagi as she stood at the banks of ganga. The same ganga who had bought her to her Mata Indrina and pita Jayant.

Bhagi took a deep breath and closed her eyes offering her prayers to the one who illuminates, the one who is known as Bhaskara. She opened her eyes, and bowed one last time to the sun god and went towards Hastinapur. It was time.

Bhagi's POV.

Finally, I'm here. HASTINAPUR!! The heart of a bygone era, where the very air seemed to hum with the echoes of history. As I walked through its majestic streets, I couldn't help but be awestruck by the grandeur that surrounded me. The city, it felt like a living legend, whispering tales of valor, intrigue, and destiny to anyone who cared to listen, especially to someone like me.

The grandeur was everywhere, from the towering palaces that reached for the skies to the bustling markets teeming with merchants hawking their wares. The statues of mighty warriors and revered gods loomed large at every corner, their imposing presence a constant reminder of the power that resided within these hallowed walls.

But, as I gazed upon this magnificent city, I couldn't ignore the stark reality that lay beneath the surface. For all its opulence, there was a shadow that fell upon Hastinapur, one that darkened the lives of those born into lower castes. Their suffering was undeniable, their burdens heavy, and their voices often drowned out by the clamor of the privileged.

As I wandered through the city, my heart ached when I witnessed a heart-wrenching injustice unfold before my eyes. A group of lower-caste laborers, their brows furrowed with exhaustion, were being unjustly berated and beat by a group of haughty nobles.

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