Hold Me Close

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"I am dumb," you say,
In silence, I may be, but we can learn as one,
Side by side, in books and dreams, our knowledge shall be spun.
Don't leave me, I can divine us together in a bright day

You ponder futures yet to take their shape,
But hand in hand, we'll brave the great unknown.
In unity, our dreams will surely drape,
A canvas wide, with love and purpose sown.

So fear not, love, for we'll find our own way,
Through every challenge that life throws our view.
Together, we'll face each brand-new day,
Our love as strong as the morning's fresh dew.

Hold me close, we'll stand upright,
For in each other's arms, we'll find our light.

Her Volume ~ OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora