It was around then that Jessica appeared at the top of the stairs. Equally matching looks of confusion shared on our faces. "What happened?"

I shrug picking up my homework she crumpled when tossing out of he room. "Not really sure, I think I did something, but I have no idea what." My heart was pounding and I felt like I wanted to cry, but I was trying so hard not too. I couldn't figure out why though.

"Oh, sweetheart, I don't think you did anything." I look up, a slight layer of tears coating my eyes. "I'm pretty sure she's mad at us and is taking it out on you."

This only confused me more, "but why?" She shrugs as she helps me pick up my things.

"Not really sure on that part either, but don't worry, I'll take care of it. For now though, why don't you go do your homework down stairs while I talk to her." She hands me the last of my things and I nod while standing up.

"Okay, yeah." As I'm walking down stairs I can hear her knocking on the door, and a small part of my Brain whispers to stay and listen in. However, I did have a lot of homework to do and this didn't seem like something I should ease drop on.


Ever since Emory apologized, things around the house haven't been as hectic. I no longer felt like at any minute, I could be walking through a war zone, and I was actually enjoying it. On Friday morning though, we had just gotten out of the car at school, when Bentley came running up to greet me, sometimes she reminded me of a clingy dog, because she excitedly ran to hug me every time she sees me for the first time.  After hugging me she turns to Emory, who she hadn't met yet, "oh hi, I'm Bentley."

Emory politely smiled back at her, introducing herself as well. "Emory, or EJ is fine." Instantly my smile drops and Bentley gets that confused look on her face as I know she's about to ask a question, that I don't want her asking.

"Uh, we have to go," I quickly drag Bentley away, who looks at me still confused.

"What was that about?" She stops in the hallway.

"I didn't want you telling her." I cross my arms.

"What, that she has the same nickname as your sister?" She looks Honestly confused as to why I wouldn't want her to know.

I start to walk away, "I don't want to talk about it okay." It made since that they would have the same nickname, they have the exact same initials, it was most likely one of the reasons they were switched in the first place.

She sighs, "I'm sorry, but if you don't like the idea of people calling her that, your gonna have to explain why, otherwise she won't know."

I stop again, "what am I supposed to do, be like "hey this name you've probably gone by your entire life, you can't go by anymore, sorry" like that's gonna work." I snap and then instantly regret it when I see the hurt look on her face. Once again she reminds me of a dog, as she frowns and starts to walk away.

"Wait, Bentley, I'm sorry." I tell her trying to catch back up.

She shrugs, still frowning, "it's okay, I should get to class though, I'll see you tonight at our sleep over though, right?" The mention of the sleepover has her smiling again.

I nod, "yes, definitely." I tell her, realizing I forgot to confirm it with my parents. It's every year though, so it's not like it should be a surprise to them.

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