Chapter 1

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" A spiky brunette boy cupped his hand over the glass, peering into the window of a building that appeared to be an office of some sort. "I can't imagine Jay working in a...what even is this place?"

His sister, a girl with long black hair, craned her head to look at the sign hanging above them. "I think so, what do you think DICE stands for?"

"No clue, c'mon we look like creeps." Kai pushed open the door and a bell tinkled overhead. They stepped into a cozy office, where a cluster of desks sat to one side, and on the other was a spacious seating area fit with couches and comfy looking chairs. Down the hall Kai could see multiple closed office doors, as well as a small kitchen. It had everything a normal office would have, except for the wall parallel from the window. Which held knives, swords, bombs, daggers and pretty much anything weapon Kai had ever seen. As well as some he hadn't. He and Nya exchanged wary glances, but it turned to a friendly smile as a girl with glasses approached them.

"Hello! One moment please." She adjusted her glasses, setting down the stack of files she'd been carrying with an intense thump. A boy who had been slumped over his computer, hoodie tugged over his head startled awake.

The glasses women tapped her foot, "Late night, Alec?"

The boy who must be Alec stifled a yawn, "Yeah, sorry Liv. I'll get right to work."

"Actually you can go deliver these to the president, maybe a walk up the stairs will wake you up."

The male opened his mouth to reject but grumbling, scooped up the pile and walked past Kai and Nya, offering a half-hearted 'morning' as he passed.

The curly brown haired girl clapped her hands whirling around to them, "So sorry, what can I do for you two cuties! I'm Dr. Olivia, is your problem medical related?"

Nya had been scanning the office for a familiar freckled face and dragged her eyes back to the woman. "Hi, umm, we're looking for a friend."

Kai brought his hand up to his own shoulder, "About this tall, ginger-ish, lots of freckles... blue eyes?"

"Lightning elemental?" Nya supplied, and the woman smiled.

"Oh, you must mean Nemo!" She beckoned for them to follow her, "Sure, come this way."

As they followed her down to one of the private offices, Kai whispered to his sister. "Nemo? Maybe it's a nickname."

"Yeah maybe." Nya couldn't quell her excitement, just on the other side of that door was Jay. Her Jay. A whole year was way too long to go without him.

The tan skinned woman rapped loudly on the wood, "Clients Nemo."

"Shit." Sounds of panicked rustling around ensued, after a few seconds someone cleared their throat. "Uh. Come in?"

It sounded like Jay to Nya but she couldn't tell through the wood. Dr. Olivia swung the door open widely, revealing a man sitting behind a seriously messy desk. Pictures had been knocked over and paper scattered the floor. The curly haired male looked up, face flushed a slight pink. Nya narrowed her eyes when he tugged something out of eyesight with his foot. There was a sudden thump from beneath the wooden desk, and a muffled 'ow.' The doctor who had let them in crossed her arms.

"Oliver, out. Now."

Jay's lips quirked into a smile when the person hiding under his desk spoke quietly. "Nuh-uh, no Oliver here. Just an ordinary desk."

Jay looked past Kai and Nya, his blue eyes sparkling at the woman. "Liv, you must be hearing things... Last time I checked, inanimate objects don't talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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