"Sicuramente una delle persone più importanti della loro vita," Definitely one of the most important people in their life, Charlotte adds.

They're probably not lying, but it still feels weird that they feel that they have to make me feel better. I'm fine with being a Bianchi, just being a good friend. I know I matter to them and always will, just like they will always matter to me.

"Sarebbe meglio che fossi importante per loro se vivessi con loro," I better be important to them if I lived with them, I laugh, trying my hardest to just get out of the conversation.

"Quel viaggio è stata la prima volta che noi tre abbiamo legato," That trip was the first time the three of us bonded, Charlotte points out. "Mi manca prepararci insieme dopo la doccia prima di andare a cena," I miss getting ready together after showering before going to dinner, she sighs.

"Ricordi come coordineremmo i nostri abiti ogni sera?" Remember how we would coordinate our outfits every night? I add with a smile on my face.

"E restavo sdraiato sui lettini abbronzanti tutto il giorno mentre guardavo i ragazzi," And lay in tanning beds all day while watching the boys, Carla adds with a laugh. She then looks at me, "Beh, almeno quei pomeriggi in cui potevamo trascinarti lontano da lui," Well, at least those afternoons when we could drag you away from him.

I let out a little laugh but I looked away from the both of them, remembering how I was so attached to him at that point in time. Whenever we were on the boat, I was with him. We spent a lot of time together considering we didn't have that much time during the rest of the year.

"Non voglio dire niente fuori posto e renderti le cose strane, ma..." I don't want to say anything out of place and make things weird for you, but... Charlotte started, rolling onto her stomach so that she could look at me. "Ma è stata una vera sorpresa quando vi siete lasciati così presto... Lorenzo mi ha detto alla fine di quella vacanza che era sicuro che un giorno vi sareste sposati e così anche noi," But it was a real surprise when you broke up so soon... Lorenzo told me at the end of that holiday that he was sure that one day you would get married and so was the rest of us.

I just let out a chuckle. It hadn't just been a surprise to them, but to everyone. We had seemed so great and in love then, but no one saw what was happening when we were home. We saw each other so rarely that you'd think we'd get along and really enjoy the little time we did get to spend together. But at some point we didn't seem to spend time together for our sake, and it was all for looks. So we had perfected the art of making it all seem fine, and I guess that's why it came as such a shock to people.

"Lo so," I know, I reply with a shrug.

"Cos'è successo... non ce lo hai mai detto veramente," What happened... you never really told us, Carla says, putting her head next to mine, looking at me as if she was a child asking her mom for a bedtime story.

"Non c'è molto da dire a riguardo," I chuckle to ease the tension a bit. "Ad un certo punto stavamo insieme più per il bene degli altri che per noi stessi," At one point we were together more for the sake of others than for ourselves.

Charlotte and Carla got frowns on their faces, and I didn't like the mood that had completely died in the room after that. Charlotte is getting married for fuck's sake. We're having a fancy breakfast in her bedroom in matching pajamas and mimosas while the sun is shining outside. We shouldn't be looking back at something that darkens the mood.

To get the mood up in the room again, I grabbed the champagne and I poured some more into my glass, holding it towards the girls to offer them some more. Charlotte snatches it from me and pours some more into their glasses.

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