Chapter 4 : Little Bard

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As the traveller dressed up, venti couldn't help but stare at his back. It was quite toned, probably from all his adventuring but... It seemed so tense. Like his whole body was constantly on edge

"Venti, can you please eyeing me like this ? I only took off my shirt, and I'd like to keep the next part private if possible" Aether was amused by the situation.

Venti's cheeks turned beet red, and he promptly sat on the bed, his back towards the new archon who changed quickly

"Alright mister bard ! I need some help with that braid of mine if you will" he chuckled lightly, taping the bard's left shoulder

"my Apologies Aether, i almost forgot ! Sit down wherever. You are a bit too tall for me to be able to do it while you stand"

Aether slowly walked around Venti, and slowly sat to his left, prompting Venti to just turn.

"So, how would you like your braids ?" Said the bard, gently getting Aether's hair in his delicate hands

"Venti... Bards are artists ! Act like one, and style me however you see fit" he giggled slightly

Venti started to braid the traveler's hair as it usually was. His mind was elsewhere. The traveler seemed fine but they seem so much more... Dominant ? An effect of the Gnosis no doubt, but... Did the changes to his psyche stop there ? He shivered lightly

"Venti... Are you afraid of me ?"

The bard stopped. Aether was always quite the detective, even before his Gnosis... He gently sighed

"Yes, Aether. You may not have noticed it, but the Gnosis made you a lot more... Dominant, and i'm scared of what else it may have done to you..." The ex-archon's voice was shivering throughout the revelation
"I- thank you, Venti. You could have tried to lie. You chose not to, and i hope that it is a road you now plan on following..." His shoulders sagged a little as he spoke again
"That being said... I know i never was bold enough to... Be so brave before, but... The strength i feel just... Does that, i guess... I'd never hurt anyone. Especially not you."

Venti noded, and kept braiding, blushing a bit. He noticed that Aether's ears had reddened a bit. He chuckled "you're still you, then... Aether, i was so scared that i'd have-"

"Lost me ?" The new Archon intersected.
The bard's blush grew deeper.
Noticing Venti had finished up with his braid, Aether stood up, looking at Venti with a smug smile
"Well i'm right here, little bard !" He opened his arms
"Th-that nickname is staying, right...?"

"Yes, i feel like it suits you quite well !"
"Were i not so embarrassed, dear traveler, i'd show you how good bards are at comebacks"

"Oh really ? All i've seen you do is explain my situation and blush. Are those skills bards must master ?" Aether gently raised Venti's head with a finger, an even bigger smile stuck to his face. The bard seemed stunned.

"Out of words ?"
"A-Archons... You win this round..." Venti tried to lower his head but...Aether's finger was just too strong
"Wanna see what i can do now ?" Aether said, almost whispering
"what ?" He squealed, his mind going wild with possibilities of what he ment
Aether chuckled "with my new strength, Venti"
Venti sighed. He actually didn't know if it was from releaf or sadness.

"This could be wonderful idea, but... Maybe you shouldn't try elemental magic yet ?" Venti said, still a bit dazed by all this

"Why not ? I know how to restrain the elemental powers i use, after all"
"My Gnosis could have gave you something new. Something outside of wind."
"Well guess we gotta see then !" He promptly grabbed Venti, carrying him on his shoulder, simply jumped out the window, and landed in a loud thud, unscathed.
"Aether, could you please put me down ? Plus, Jean was probably going to meet with you soon ! And what about finding a way to bring you back to the living ?"
The new Archon settled the bard down gently
"Venti, this... Power, coursing through me. I want to know what it is, and i want to discover it with you. Please, do this for me, it's what matters right now."

The ex-Archon paused. Compelling arguments. Aether needed him... And he would have been lying to himself if he said he didn't want to stay with the traveller. To see what he now could do, of course...

"Fine, but-" Aether snagged the little bard off the ground, this time carrying him like a princess. He then jumped. One, singular jump, so mighty he passed over the walls of the ciry, straight into Wolvendom. Venti was quite use to flying, but he'd never seen anyone pull off such a jump ! He held on tight as the landed atop a hill in a loud crash that shook the very much human bard to his core

"Do you want to let go, little bard ? Or should i try my new powers with you lodged in my arms ?"

Venti promptly jumped from his arms, using a slight gust of wind to do so. He was releaved he could control the air around him. The bard quickly changed the subject, not willing to receive more teases from the new Archon

"There was no Anemo magic in that jump... You must be as strong as Rex Lapis now !"
"Who's that ? another arcon ?"
"Exactly ! You'll probably see him in person soon enough."
"The other Archons are probably going to want to see who i am now... Another reason to see what i'm capable of !"

Aether breathed in, gently raising his hand, and tried to blow a gentle gust of wind upwards, except... Instead of feeling anything coming out of his hand, he felt like he had removed something, and about a second after that, a gust of air rushed towards his palm

"Guess it's still wind magic, huh ?" Said Aether, somehow a bit disappointed
"I wouldn't bet on that... Would you mind trying to do that again, but with your palm on the ground ?" Venti said, absentmindedly looking up.

Aether glanced at the former Arcon. He seemed to know something Aether did not. He chose to obey, putting his hand on the ground, and did just as before, except this time, the ground vanished under his palm, earth and air rushed into the space that was just created, sending bits of dirt in the air. Aether knew now. He had... Completely removed what was under his palm. Venti's keen eye immediately noticed that Aether came to the same conclusion as he did in his first attempt.

"Hah ! You remove it ! Mayhaps you are some kind of... Void Archon !" Said the little bard with glee. How interesting !

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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