The first memory

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Sudden I was on the ground.
"Hello? Hello! Lily!"
There was a scream in the distance. I ran toward it hoping for anyone these woods. Things jumped out at me. I was crying. I was the scream. There was a cloth around my neck. Inside the cloth was an egg. The only thing I had to do was keep it safe. The monsters jumped out in front of me. They grinned.
"I believe that is our dragon."
I run to the side before they got an answer. But stop as soon as I left. A huge gape stood between me and the other side. The water couldn't help it was early spring so it would still be ice. Lily hadn't taught me ice yet only the basic water. I turned around the gwapas staring right at me.
"Where to run? Where to run?"
"No where's to run? How about I jump?"
I jump off the cliff closing my eyes and holding tightly to the egg.
"Please open"
The egg burst the baby dragon comes out just about my size. He falls for a while and learns to fly. Grabbing me with his talons, the baby flies me up to the safe side of the gorge. My hands burning up a century had come and it was time for change. I exploded with fire. The dragon watched with amazement. I blacked out.

I woke up on my flower bed. Lily brushing back my hair. I sit up abruptly.
"My dragon!"
"Is safe and getting its first rest. He should awake tomorrow."
"How long was I asleep?"
"Nearly two months."
"I missed training!"
"No I had the change planned."
I go in for a hug and Lily gladly accepts.
"I love you so much"
"I love you more"
"Now can I go see Enzo?"
"Yes, he dreamed with me, the bond was already there j was the first to touch the egg with care."
"Go on."
I run out into the light as Enzo is flying down on my shoulder. He is the size of a large cat.
"Enzo! Are you ready to start training."
I run with him down to the to the stream. We play all day. Tomorrow I would do the training. We needed to wake up first. We played all day. And I took a rag and washed his scales. Petting Enzo I fell asleep. Later that night he had picked me up by his talons gently and brought me to bed. The first day of our lifelong friendship.

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