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"Thomas we can't live like this" Rory said hitting the desk in front of her.

"Rory just stop. what are you doing. We could get in trouble."

"We're killing them."


Her chest rises up and down fast and Rory gasp breathing heavily, awakening from her sleep.

"Flashback?" She hears Newt say from behind her.

She turns her head and looks towards her best friend. She sits up in her hammock rubbing her eyes.

"Creep. What are doing, watching me sleep?"

"No I came to wake you up. It's nearly time to go run."

She groans as she rolls out her hammock. Hitting the grass below her.



Rory, Mihno and Ben all have been running the maze for 2-3 years. Although Rory has a close relationship with both, she shares more secrets with Mihno. They are the only two besides Albi that know that the maze is a dead end and there is no way out.

They don't let anyone know, the people need something to look forward to, some type of hope they can hold on to.


Rory sprints down the corner leaving both Mihno and Ben in her dust. Near the end she turns around, jogging backwards with a big smile plastered across her face.

"Can't keep up?" She says cheekily as she makes her way near the end of the maze.

Mihno and Ben let out a annoyed groan as Rory gets cocky towards the both of them.

"Hey there's the new greenie to look forward to today." Ben says as they start to jog for the last few meters.

"Think he will be a runner?" Mihno asks.

"Hey they could be a she and I highly doubt they will be a runner." Rory says defending her opinion.

"Yeah and I highly doubt it will be a girl." Mihno snaps back.

"There will be a girl and soon. Trust me I have a good feeling about this."

"Shes only been saying that for the past 2 years" Ben says whispering into Mihnos ear but Rory heard.

"I'm going to prove to both of you dipshits that you're wrong. I don't care how long it takes but when that day comes I'll be laughing my ass of at yous." Rory says as she finally makes her way out of the maze.

"There he is" Ben points to the new greenie.

"Hey chuck. New greenie huh?" Mihno says as they start to jog past him.

"How does it feel to be promoted?" Ben asks

"Feels great Ben." Chuck says giving a thumbs up. Chuck turns his head to see Rory had started to jog over to him.

"Hey Rory" Chuck says waving as she jogs by him.

"Hey Chuck. How's babysitting going." Rory says puffed out.

Chuck let's put a little giggle and that makes Rory smile a bit.

Rory looks over to the new greenie without saying another word and catching back up to Mihno.

"Find him attractive?" Mihno asks as he looks over to Rory's rosy cheeks. Rory let's out a fake gag.

"Not in a million years."

"Ok whatever you say Rory"

She looks back to see Gally running up to the greenie and shoving him to the ground.

Save me    -   ThomasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora