1 | This place is a SAFETY HAZARD

Start from the beginning

"Y-yeah." She stuttered, embarrassed. "S-so. What about you?"

"Me?" Alaska said. "Oh, I'm Sea-Ice. Daughter of Princess Waves and Prince North."

"No way- that's like - a double Subroyal,"

Alaska nodded. "That's exactly what it is. In a way, it puts me in line for the SeaWing and the IceWing throne." She said, with a little grin. "But I expect nothing will happen to Queen Frost and Queen Lyonsia for a very long time."

Kaioa shuddered - she didn't know about Alaska, but she would hate being on the throne: all those dragons talking to you every day and expecting you to be good at things! No thanks.

Eventually she nodded agreeably. "I hope not."

The pair stood in silence for a few seconds, thinking what to say next, when a loud and ecstatic voice interrupted them both.


Kaioa yelped and bumped into Alaska's wing as they both made a rush to spin around to the source of the voice. It was a NightWing - should've known - with dark bluish-purple scales, shining white horns and a crazy spark in his eyes.

"Hello! Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy!" He bellowed. Kaioa wanted to bury her head in her claws and disappear, the whole crowd was staring now.

"E-excuse me," Alaska stammered beside her. "But who are you?"

The NightWing clapped his claws to his face. "Oh, right! Of course, silly me! I'm Stargazer!"

He glanced at them as if he was hoping for a reaction. Kaioa caught Alaska's eyes and both of them shrugged. Stargazer's wings dropped a little as they did.

"Son of Gravekeeper...?" He prompted.

"Um... Look, I don't know who-" Alaska started to say, but she was cut off - again.

"Grandson of Starflight and Fatespeaker?" Stargazer said, exasperated. At that, finally, a million different pairs of eyes lit up with excitement and a wave of whispers rippled over the onlookers.

Starflight and Fatespeaker, really? Do you beleive that?

Oh, I know them! They founded the school, didn't they?

I told you he looked like them, didn't I? Didn't I?

Stargazer grinned back, a large, famous smile on his face. "And you two would be...?"

Kaioa opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out as she was aware of the entire crowds' eyes on her.

"Alaska. And that's Kaioa."

She let her jaw close and her shoulders relax a little, gratefully.

Stargazer nodded. "both hybrid SeaWings, I see. Alright now new students. I've been sent here to take your to your rooms - follow me, if you will?"

And he bounded off , full of energy, through the grounds. Kaioa sighed and looked after him, then at Alaska. "He wants us to follow him."

It wasn't really a question, but she'd prefer not to, all in all. Unfortunately, Alaska nodded. "Come on, I guess. We might be in the same Winglet?"

"Yeah, maybe." She said quietly and trailed after her, trying not to stare at the weird people in the grounds.

There was that same crimson-ish SilkWing cornering a group of RainWings (which has diminished from before, presumably some had escaped)

A purply-orange NightWing gazing off into space absently, by a neon blue and yellow SilkWing with stylish glasses reading a book.

Even one sketchy yellow and navy hybrid who seemed to be - yelling into the sky? Something about contagious optimism - probably someone to avoid.

At long last, Stargazer stopped abruptly outside of a lavishly decorated cave, which from the sounds of it, already had two people in it. His violet eyes found Kaioa's and he grinned supportively. "This is your stop. Your two Clawmates are in here."

Kaioa shot a desperate glance at Alaska, but Stargazer shook his head. "She's in the Gold Winglet, I'm afraid, you're in Silver. But you'll be able to see each other tomorrow. Go on then, I'm sure you'll love your Clawmates!" He nudged her forwards with the tip of his tail, until she was standing right at the edge of the cave.

Kaioa was sure she wouldn't love her Clawmates. But nonetheless, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath stepped in, as Stargazer and Alaska disappeared behind her.

Written by StarvioletFury

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