5. Unstoppable

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Severus felt like a prince. He was sleeping in a castle, unlike Hogwarts this castle held the king and queen of westeros. The princesses and princes as well. The beds were so luxurious that he didnt know how the Targaryens didnt complain immediately upon their first night at Hogwarts. He was given his own chambers which were bigger than his chambers at Hogwarts and his apartment combined.

When there was a knock at the door he dragged his feet across the floor, taking in every detail of the room in the daylight. The Targaryen reds and blacks, the green three headed dragon.

Davina stared back at him when he opened the door. Seeing your professor in their briefs was something most students never wanted to see, Severus hadnt even realized.

"You want to break fast with us?" Davina questioned after a long examining moment.

"I would love to." Severus agreed.

"Okay, you might want to put pants on first." Davina added bluntly and Severus quickly closed the door. "I will wait here for you." She added. "Since you will probably get lost."

"Thank you, Ms Davina."

"We are not in school yet." Davina called through the door as he dress. "It's just Davina, if you want to be formal, I am a literal princess."

"Thank you, princess." Severus agreed. Davina smiled to herself.  "So you have lived here your whole life?" Severus questioned once he reemerged clothed.

"I was born on dragonstone." Davina countered. "I could take you dragonstone if you want."

"I would love to see a map of westeros, we dont have any back in london." Severus remarked.

"Sure," Davina agreed.

"Where is dragonstone?"

"It's an island, right by driftmark, another island.  It's east of here, a short flight, I take it all the time with my dad." Davina remarked. "We are on the shore so... we have access to all the ports and goods, we are almost in the middle of westeros. So much of the north is uninhabited that father says there is nothing much past Moat cailin."

"You are a smart young woman, Princess."

"I know," Davina agreed. "Oh I was thinking this year to keep Albus from cheating we really need to step up the point giving for slytherin over the terms." Severus chuckled. "You give points to Slytherin, as all the professors give points to their personal houses. McGonagall does for Gryffindor, so does Albus." Severus chuckled at the way Davina said Albus in such a mock tone.

"Just keep doing a good job in your classes and you will be getting extra points no doubt in my mind, Davina." Severus assured.

"Okay but if you wanted to give Slytherin a leg up..." She added with a shrug as she pushed open the doors to the great hall. Aemond, Aegon and Helaena were dressed in greens, as was their mother the queen. Severus thought he should bow but Davina nudged him forward.

"Uncle Viserys, Aunt Alicent, this is my favorite professor, Severus." Davina introduced before taking a seat beside Vaera.

"Hello, thank you for having me."  Severus answered.

"Thank you for taking such good care of our children." Viserys countered. "Please, sit, enjoy!"

"What class do you teach again?" Alicent questioned.

"Potions." He answered.

"What was your plant teachers name, Helaena?" alicent questioned. Davina and Vaera shared a look.

"Plant teacher?" Daemon countered.

"Herbology mother!" Helaena declared.

"Mr Aemond... you have seemed to have lost an eye since the school year ended..." severus remarked upon further look at Aemond and Aegon.

"You noticed that too?" Aegon mused.

"Davina get killer off the table please." Alicent begged. Davina reached out for her cat plopping him down on the ground but he jumped right back up. Davina shrugged. "Davina..." Alicent requested again. "We have company."

"You care if my cat is on the table Severus?" Davina countered. Severus sipped his tea silently. "He doesnt care." Daemon chuckled glancing to Alicent.

Davina looked between them with a raised and skeptical brow. What was that look Alicent gave him? What was that look Daemon gave her? She didnt know that she liked it.

"I was attacked. Got a new accessory out of it. Who needs two eyes?" Aemond offered. He removed his eye patch revealing a walnut sized sapphire.

"Pirates found a loot of those." Vaera remarked. "Aemond has stolen treasure on him. Isnt that fun?"

"You were attacked?" Severus questioned

"You will meet the shitheads eventually." Aegon agreed.

"I personally dont think they should be allowed at hogwarts after the fuss they made." Mattheo remarked as he came in. "Hi Vee." Davina rolled her eyes. "Oh Dav, didnt see you there."

"Playing hard to get doesnt work when I dont want to fuck you." Davina purred.

"You dont?" Mattheo countered. "Oh hey professor."

"There will be no touching or kissing or anything with either of my daughters." Daemon demanded.

"Hello Mattheo." Severus answered.

Davina showed severus around before taking him for a test flight. Severus smiled joyously as he held onto davina as they sailed through the clouds.

"Better than a broom right!" Davina declared. Severus nodded taking in the view. So this was westeros.

Davina pointed out different reagions before bringing him to dragonstone. Vaera wasnt far behind.

"Lets show him dragons mott!" Vaera jumped down from Cookie as davina helped severus slid down from Fury.

This place was remarkable. Magical in its own right. They showed severus how to harvest a dragon egg. Their father was skilled at harvesting and taught them how to do it too. They showed him the incubation afterwards and the maintenance of a dragon egg. These girls were truly remarkable. Oncd they harnessed their full magical abilities they would be unstoppable.

Youngblood / (2)  Harry Potter x House of the Dragon crossoverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें