The night of the murder

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I got kidnapped at the airport as I got out of the bath room and surrendered myself .I was taken into a house and thrown onto the bed,by none other,The devil himself Darius.How did I end up here?well let me take you through a trip to the past.2days before I was on my way home when I got attacked by three men.Those three men were no strangers to me,I owed them money.I lived a very dangerous life in an equally dangerous neighborhood.It wasn't easy being in these streets as a woman.But I wasn't like any other woman ,I was a street fighter ,that was partly my means of earning money as people would tip me after I won a match,I also got paid.Apart from that I worked as a fruit vendor at a store.I was running low on rent in this undeveloped neighborhood, so I had to borrow money from those bad men.I would pay back once I got paid to fight,but I had alittle accident and broke my leg.Finally I was healed,I wanted to fight,but the three men approached me asking me for their money,I told them that I would provide half of the money by tonight,but they were not having it,they wanted something else instead,My body.No freaking way,I spat out at them, boldly telling them that I wasn't going to give out my body.They gave me no choice as they tried to force themselves on me,big mistake as I tried to fight them off.I was looking for a fight anyways.I had never fought 3 people at once ,I loved the challenge.I was definitely winning with my swift blows but the numbers caught up to me as I dodged the blow of one man, and ending up getting stabbed by the other.I got thrown onto the floor.Suddenly I saw a woman rushing into save me, she pointed a gun at them, they ran off.she helped me up,as we were trying to cross the streets,a huge truck car was heading towards us,it was out of control, the woman pushed me out of the way and got hit by the truck,I screamed as the truck driver drove off,I didn't see his face much.I rushed to the woman, she was still breathing but her time was running up,she slowly died.I cried for a woman whom I didn't know.who was I kidding, she sacrificed her life for me.Her driver came out of nowhere,I told him what had happened,he was so terrified,we both stared into each other's eyes feeling so sad, and lost in grieve.He told me to leave, and hide because the woman who died saving me was Sophia, Darius wife.Wait Darius? The devil? The man who ruled this town with an iron fist.This was his wife?I told the man that I didn't care about Darius,He told me that I should,I asked why he feared him so much.He told me that he didn't fear him,but he feared for my life,I asked why he feared for my life.He said it was because Sophia died to save mine,it would be a shame and waste for me to die just like that.He was right,I wasn't going to let her sacrifice go in vain.he told me that I couldn't stay in the neighborhood.He gave me money and give me instructions and directions to book a hotel,he would come for me later.He asked if I had a cell phone,I replied no.He gave me one of his phones and told me to go.I hesitated,then left.The man was called Gabriel.He called and gave the bad news to Darius and his family.All hell broke loose.The family looked at Sophia's lifeless body.Darius had vengeance in his eyes, and Gabriel would suffer his wrath.gabriel was the one driving Sophia when he stopped,the fuel was out, so he got out to get some fuel,he told Sophia to stay inside as he left.But when he came back,he found Sophia dead.He said this to Darius excluding the part about me,he told them that Sophia had come out of the car only to be crashed by an out of control truck,he told them he was too late.Before he could end his sentence Darius attacked him,ray ,darius best friend held him off.darius sister penny was present, she was a blonde woman who didn't give a F*ck about Sophia's death.Gabriel said his goodbye as he resigned, he knew he was fired anyway.He left.I was in the hotel when I heard a knock,I was shaking until I heard Gabriel's voice.I quickly opened it and hugged him tightly.I pulled away and apologised for hugging him,but he himself hugged me as he cried.I held him tightly as we both cried.I closed the door behind us and sat him on the bed.I saw his bruises,I begged him to forgive me.I blamed myself for Sophia's death, he assured me that it wasn't my fault.He said that he was proud of sophia.he told me that Sophia used to be a scardy cat,but she became a lioness as she risked her life for me.I told him I could see the closeness he had with her.He told me that she was like his little sister.He loved her so much.He told me ,that was the only reason Darius hadn't killed him,but as for me,he would definitely kill me.Gabriel assured me that he would protect me.i felt comfortable around him.That night we mourned together.I consoled him as if I knew him.I was an orphan.i ran away from the orphanage as a teenager and I never knew the pain of loosing a loved one.It was painful.All of a sudden, Gabriel came to his senses and checked my wound,I had wrapped the cut with my scarf,I told him not to worry.He didn't listen to me and got the first aid kit.The next day,he sent me to the hospital.I stayed till late afternoon.We caught the subway and moved to the next city.we booked a hotel room.The next day,we were heading for the airport when suddenly gansters attacked.gangsters? Or darius's men.gabriel took my hand and ran as the men shot at us,he managed to hide me in the bathroom and warned me not to move as he took out his gun and dashed out,all I could hear was gunshots, suddenly there was silence.I heard a deep authoritative voice, that was definitely darius.He screamed for me to come out, Gabriel had told me. earlier told me that Darius would never kill him, so I should never surrender, but I had to do it.I came out and surrendered myself to the devil.There he stood with his black mask on,he couldn't be more scary but I wasn't scared of him,I just felt guilty for causing him the immense pain of loosing his wife, even though he was cruel.He grabbed me by the hair.I looked over at Gabriel who was scared for me.darius took me away and brought me to a house.he threw me onto the bed.
Here we are back to how it started.

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