Chapter Fifty-Five

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The tail end of February passed, thankfully, without further event. As we worked through the first week of March, we officially hit the "three months left" milestone, and the twins and I threw an impromptu party in the Common Room to celebrate. Three more months of nonsense to put up with, and then we were free.

We got through exactly one week of March before the nonsense reminded us why we needed to get away from it so badly.

David and I were up in the library, working through dinner like we often did, so I didn't find out what had happened until later. But when I staggered into the Common Room just before midnight to find the twins sitting up on the couches, waiting for me, I knew I'd missed something big.

"...What happened?" I asked, the superhero crisis-calm immediately coming over me as I joined the twins on the couch. Fred was quick to hold up a calming hand.

"It's bad, but it's not bad for our immediate group," he said.

"Just more Umbridge running mad with power," added George. I let a little of the tension relax out of my shoulders, leaning back a little more on the couch. At least, whatever she'd done now, it wasn't another black quill situation.

"So what did she do this time?" I asked with a sigh. The twins shared a look, then dove right in.

"She fired Professor Trelawney," said George. My eyes widened, and I sat up a little straighter.


"She's none of our favorite teachers, but... it was pretty awful, Alexa," George continued. I frowned as Fred picked up where his brother had stopped.

"She did it in the middle of the entrance hall, while we were all out at dinner. And, well... you know Trelawney. She's not exactly one to go quietly."

"Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't hear her screaming from the library."

"Umbridge or Trelawney?" I asked.

"Trelawney," said George with a shake of his head. "Umbridge was the perfectly calm and smug the whole time, the awful woman."

"Trelawney cried and screamed and begged to stay," Fred continued. "Said this was her home, and she had no idea what she'd do without it. Umbridge didn't move a muscle, was going to throw her right out on her arse just outside the castle gates. Dumbledore stepped in and is going to let her keep living here, but otherwise she'd be gone."

I shook my head. I didn't know Professor Trelawney well at all, I'd never taken a class with her. But it didn't surprise me one bit that Umbridge had decided to be so cruel, and it made me angry that she continued to abuse her power all the same.

"Don't worry, Alexa," continued George, a small grin spreading slowly across his face as he did. "This story's not all bad. There's one other part we haven't told you yet."

I raised an eyebrow at the matching looks of delight I got, until Fred finally broke down to give me answers.

"Dumbledore appointed a new Divination teacher. You should've seen Umbridge, she was livid about it."

"Wait, really? Why?"

"Well, she thought she had it all figure out, didn't she?" Fred continued. "She'd fire Trelawney, and because of educational decree number who cares, she'd get to appoint the replacement. But Dumbledore got her. The decree says she can only appoint someone if Dumbledore 'is unable to find one'. He came through the castle doors in the middle of Umbridge firing Trelawney to immediately announce his new hire, and that Umbridge wouldn't have to worry about it."

"Are you kidding?" I asked, a grin breaking out on my face as pure glee moved through my chest. "What did she do?"

"She lost her mind! She didn't have a complete meltdown, mind you, but you could just see the steam coming off of her. Her face turned the same color as her sweater and then some!"

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