Chapter 7

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Kiana's POV:

"Okay, Kiana. You need to slowly release the brake-" Arthur instructs me, but I already know what I'm doing.

"Arthur, I know how to drive a car." I sighed at him. "Just because I wasn't allowed, doesn't mean I've never done it."

"I know, I just want you to be careful. Charles would kill me if something happens to his car."

Charles let us take his Land Rover to let me practice driving. It was probably the least expensive car in his collection worth a total of 7 million dollars. But it was still pretty expensive, and it was Charles' car, so Arthur was very cautious about it.

Plus the driver's seat was on the opposite side than what it is in America, so it was slightly different for me.

I pulled the car out of the driveway and headed for the main road. Arthur was clutching his seat handle the whole time.

I rolled my eyes at him.

After making a couple rounds around some streets, Arthur being my navigation, we decided to go back home. It was getting dark anyway, and Charles and Lorenzo would be worried if we didn't come home soon.

I pulled into the driveway, stopped the car, and got out. But as I was making my way around the front of the car, Arthur stopped me abruptly and moved me so my back was facing the front of the car and my waist was pushed against the hood.

He slowly snaked his hand around my waist, and leaned in closer.

"You are a good driver, Kiana." He compliments.

"Tell me something I don't know." I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we both started to lean in further until our lips were touching.

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Charles's POV:

"Il se fait tard, Kiana et Arthur ne sont pas encore rentrés.(It's getting late, Kiana and Arthur haven't returned yet.)" Lorenzo said, concerned.

"Je vais attendre dehors.(I'll go wait outside.)" I got up from the couch and went to the front door for when Kiana and Arthur would come.

But my car was already in the driveway. And so were Kiana and Arthur.

They were making out.

On the hood of my car.

Oh my God. I shook my head and sighed.

I waited a few seconds, but just as I opened my mouth to speak, Kiana had already spotted me. Her eyes widened and she quickly pulled away from Arthur. Arthur looked at her confused, then followed her gaze to me.

"Shit... Charles, I-" Arthur starts.

"You two just can't stay off each other for five minutes, can't you?" I cross my arms.

Kiana's face goes red and she looks down at her feet.

"Well at least we didn't wreck your car." She mumbles.

"And thank you for that, but now I must get it washed with disinfectant." I grabbed the keys from Kiana's hand, and led them back inside.

"There you are," Lorenzo sighed when he saw Kiana. "Let's eat dinner."

"They already ate." I say abruptly. Lorenzo cocked his head to the side.

"They did? What did they eat?" he asked.

"Les visages des uns et des autres." I said casually. Arthur and Lorenzo both choked, and Kiana looked at me confused.

"Heureusement qu'elle ne parle pas français.(Good that she doesn't speak French)." Lorenzo glances over at her.

"You both stay out of trouble, okay?" Lorenzo warns both Arthur and Kiana.

"Of course," Kiana says, then heads upstairs to her room.

Arthur sat down on the couch and sighed.

"Ce qui s'est passé?(What happened?)" I ask

"J'ai peur qu'elle me brise le cœur.(I'm afraid that she'll break my heart.) Arthur sighs.

"Pourquoi donc?(Why is that?)" Lorenzo sits down next to him.

"Parce que ses émotions sont partout. Elle ne se comprend même pas. Elle n'a jamais été dans une situation heureuse, c'était toujours toxique. Elle ne sait pas comment gérer ça et j'ai peur qu'elle me quitte ou qu'elle me trompe. (Because her emotions are everywhere. She doesn't even understand herself. She was never in a happy situation, it was always toxic. She doesn't know how to handle it and I'm afraid she'll leave me or cheat on me.)"

"Je comprends cela, mais tu dois l'aider à traverser quoi que ce soit. Nous le faisons tous. (I understand, but you have to help her through everything. All of us do.) Lorenzo explains calmly.

"Mais comment? C'est comme si elle ne savait pas comment être aidée. (But how? It's like she doesn't know how to be helped.)"

"Il lui faudra du temps pour guérir. Beaucoup de temps. Mais je suis sûr qu'elle y arrivera un jour. (It will take time for her to heal. A lot of time. But she'll get there someday.)"

"J'espère juste que je ne me blesserai pas en essayant de la guérir. (I just hope I don't hurt myself trying to heal her.)"


I know those last couple of chapters have been pretty juicy and spicy, I just needed to build the tension for later 👀 (HINT look at the characters list at the very beginning 🥶)

I got lots of school work so I might not update as often 😕 But I'll try my best 💕

But hope y'all are liking the book ❣️

- your fave cowgirl 😘

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