Chapter 1

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Kaylee's POV:

"Oh my God," My cousin, Auburn, shoved her phone in my face. It was yet another Charles Leclerc edit on TikTok.

"Agh, I'm gonna have a heatstroke!" I exclaim.

"Why?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Because he's so goddamn hot!" I showed her a picture that popped up on my own Instagram page.

"I know, right!" We both squealed.

"But Kaylee, what are you going to do when we get to see him in real life?!" She questioned me.

"I might die."

We had been working three different jobs each, all for one purpose. To save up enough money to get paddock passes for a Formula 1 race. They were just over eight thousand dollars each, and our parents weren't willing to spend that much money.

Auburn had turned 21 recently, and we went to the Daytona 500 for her birthday. Those tickets weren't as expensive as Formula 1 tickets, even the pit passes were just $75.

"Well, you didn't die when you met and literally hugged Ryan Blaney so maybe you'll be fine." Auburn shrugged.

"But Charles is so much hotter!"

"Girls calm down, I know Charles is hot, but I can hear you screaming from upstairs!" my aunt Scarlett and Auburn's mom, comes downstairs with two drinks in her hands.

"Ooh, is that one for me." Auburn reaches out to grab a blue cocktail from her mother's hand and takes a sip out of it.

I side-eye her until she realizes, then she laughs and hands me the drink. I take a couple of sips.

"Okay, that's enough alcohol for a teenager." Aunt Scarlett says to me sternly. "Your mother would kill me if she found out I'm letting you have some."

"Aunt Scarlett, I'm almost 18!" I reasoned.

"The legal drinking age is still 21."

"In Monaco it's not." I mumble.

"We're not in Monaco, we're in America."

"Okay, but when I get to Monaco-"

"If you get to Monaco." Aunt Scarlett raises her eyebrows.

"I will get to Monaco."

"In like, 20 years from now." Auburn laughs.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes and steal another sip out of her drink.

◈ ◈ ◈

"KAYLEE!" I woke up the next morning to Auburn screaming in my ear.

"Jesus Christ," I slowly got up and out of my bed. "What?"

"Girl," she crosses her arms. "It's your birthday."

"Oh my god it is," I look over at my calendar hanging above my desk.

"Happy birthday!" Auburn tackles me into a tight hug.

"You know what else is today?" she asks after pulling away, a sparkle in her eyes.

"The Miami Grand Prix!" We both squeal at the same time.

"And we'll finally get to see Charles fucking Leclerc!" She screams.

"Girls! Keep it down! Sam is still asleep!" My mom scolds me from her bedroom. I roll my eyes. My dad is always sleeping. He barely ever comes out of his room. He only goes out to leave for business trips every so often.

Plus, he was probably just tired from his session with mom last night.

"Okay look, I got us a gift." She reaches under my bed and pulls out a gift back.

"How long has it been under there?!" I look under to see if there's anything else hidden.

"Hold your horses, I just brought it yesterday." She shoves the gift bag in my face for me to open it.

I take out all the wrapping paper and inside reveals two Ferrari crop tops, one black and one red, two red Ferrari hats, and two Ferrari lanyards to hold our Paddock Passes.

"Shut the front door!" My jaw drops. "I love you Aubs!"

"Love you too, Kayls!" She hugs me again.

"Okay let's go shower and get ready! We have to get there a couple hours early."

◈ ◈ ◈

Auburn and I stand in front of the large mirror in my room, wearing our Ferrari gear. I was wearing the black Ferrari crop top and black denim shorts, with my red hat on my head and lanyard around my neck. Auburn wore the red Ferrari crop top and v-waisted light blue jeans, with the same hat and lanyard.

"We have to post this on Insta." We both pull out our phones and take a quick mirror picture, before posting it on our insta story, tagging each other, and of course tagging Charles.

"Okay, let's go-" As I grabbed my Ferrari backpack, both Auburn and I got a notification on our phones. When we read the notifications, our jaws dropped. We both looked at each other with the same shocked face.

"Did you just get the same notification I got?" She asks.

"I think so..." We turn our phones to each other and the notification is in fact the same. It was a notification from Instagram, saying "charles_leclerc☑ liked your story."

"No fucking way," I breathe.

"MOOOMM!!" Auburn grabbed my phone and ran out of the room to go tell her mom, and I ran after her.

"Mom, look!" Auburn showed Aunt Scarlett the notifications.

"Are you sure that's actually him and not just a fanpage?"

"There's a blue check, he's verified!" Auburn points at the verification sign next to his name on the notification.

"Wow," Aunt Scarlett raises her brows and sighs, knowing that she will never hear the end of this.

"Charles fucking Leclerc liked our fucking stories, holy fuck-" Auburn squealed.

"Language, Auburn." Aunt Scarlett scolded, but still laughed.

"Okay, let's go, we're gonna be late!" I grabbed Auburn by the wrist and we ran down the stairs together.

"Aunt Scarlett! Mom!" I call from the front door while putting on my white Nike AirForces.

"We're coming, calm down!" I hear the footsteps of my mom and Aunt Scarlett coming down the stairs.

"I call driving!" Auburn calls.

"I'll take shotgun," I sighed.

As we hopped into Aubrey's car, I turned on the radio and tuned it to our favorite country radio station. I turned the volume way up, and my mom shook her head.

"Miami Grand Prix and Charles Leclerc, here we come!" Auburn declared as she pulled out of the driveway.

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