Part 18

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Eva's POV:

I woke up, i ordered two cameras few days ago and i got them today, yayy!!!
After few hours of trying, i finally placed the cameras, one in front of my dad and the other inside my house.

I had to pack my clothes today, since in two days, I'll be going back to france but just for a month.

It's the last two days of 2022, this year was a good one, i live in another country, the country i always wanted to live in, Australia.

I went out to buy some stuff, i went to the supermarket, fortunately the cashier wasn't there, cuz she pissed me off last time.
I checked my phone to see if there's anything in the camera and nothing I'll get a notification if there is something.
When i finished my shopping, i went to have a walk beside the ocean to clear my mind.
I was walking while eating a donut i bought and it reminded me of the time i met Hannah and Chan, it suddenly became a big part of my life.
I sat down and there were few girls sitting next to me.

" did u hear about the rumor, Melissa?! " the girl said

" rumor? About who " her friend said

" Bang Chan of stray kids, a rumor that he's dating " the girl added

Oh here we go again!!
The idea hardly left my mind and it now in my mind again, i know this time it won't leave me.
It's going strong apparently

I gave the biggest sigh and the girls looked at me, i smiled and they smiled back.
I hope i won't hear about the rumor again.

I took my way and i went home.
I entered and Went to check from my window, the memory hitted me, i literally saw Chan's reflection looking at me from the other streets but he suddenly disappeared and made me realize that he's not here, i miss him
Everytime i touch my hand and feel the ring, i think about him.

" get up eva and let's shower " i said to myself


After half an hour, i showered, i felt new.
I prepared myself something to eat and i decided to make meat pie, it easy to make and tasty to eat.
After an hour, everything was ready, i grabbed my phone and saw a notification that the camera saw something.

I saw the moment and it was a girl, and suddenly her face appeared.... and it was that girl in the supermarket who asked me about the ring, the cashier I didn't find today.
I went and grabbed the paper she threw next to my door and it says " BITCH YOU BETTER STOP TALKING WITH MY EX OR I WILL KIL YOU "

girl think she can face me when she writes "kill" with only one L. I laughed so hard and called Hannah, she directly came.

" girl writes kill with one L and think she can do it" Hannah said while looking at the paper

" i don't know how to get rid of her, maybe i should just go and talk to her " i said

" let's go, eva, I'm coming with you.... does chan know about this?? " she asked.

" yeah i told him yesterday!! " i said

I wore my clothes and grabed my bad and got out, directly went to the supermarket. I asked the workers if that girl was there and they said she stopped working here

" damn it... she stopped working here " i said

" lucky for her because of we found her here I'mma kill her with my own hands, I'm telling u " Hannah said while laughing

" same for me don't worry " i said

I was mad that I didn't find her there so i can teach her some lessons with her EX knowing.
I went home and Hannah went to hers.
I layed down my bed, i decided not to tell Chan anything About this eventhough i feel like i should but i won't .


I woke up, my back hurts because i found myself on the floor, i remember i layed down on the couch but apparently i fell off, i slep 4 hours, i don't think i can call this nap.
I went and made coffee for me since I'm still sleepy.
Then i directly went to see what clothes should i take with me and what should i leave when suddenly Chris called me and i answered

" hi baby, how are you " chan said when he was focusing on his laptop

" I'm good, how are you " i said

" I'm good- where are you" he said

I looked at my phone and it was posed in the wrong direction.

" oh! I'm here, hi! " i smiled

" hi " he said while smiling " i missed you "

" i missed you too " i said

" so tell me! how was your day " he said when he got back to his laptop

" it was normal, I'm busy with packing my bags " i said when i sait down

" Oh i called in the wrong time, then i should- "

" No No chris... " I said then he looked " stay with me "

The way he smiled when i said that, his smile brighted my room, I'm honest.

" Okey, I'm here with you and always will be, sweetie " he said with a pretty smile

" You look energetic, what happened?! " i asked

" oh hhaah I'm just excited for our tour " he got all excited and start clapping cutely

" i can say that i know three people in one " i said then i laughed

" what do u mean " he asked with a serious face

" Like there's Chan, Chris and Christopher " i said with a smile

He looked at me with wide open eyes and a little smile then laughed

" each name has its own situation" i said while nodding to feel right

I looked at him and he was looking at me in an attractive way, just like a prince.

" like chan is when you act silly and cute, Chris is when you're in your working mode and- " i said when i smiled a little
" Christopher! Is when you're in your sexy mode for example when we spent the night together that day in the hotel, it was Christopher " then i winked

Like now it's Christopher since he's looking at me with a sexy way while bitting his lips.

" and which one do you prefer?! " He asked when he leaned hus head to the right

" definitely Christopher" i said

" i can say you're the only one that saw that side of me !! "

" then.... I'm lucky " i said

" oh yes you are darling!! " he said when he winked

I missed those lips that leaves good hicheys on my neck.

To be continued.....

Since it's my birthday today!!
I will will publish two parts, this part and the next one

Well!! ENJOOY!! thank u for the support 🤍
I hope you'll like it ✨

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