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...And so he fell

The whole predicament began
At the hands
Of the unevenness of the hands
Their aching and unending itching
It commenced via the rabid urge
The irresistible draw
To tear apart in all three dimensions
The very surface of man
To reveal the crimson flesh


And it was not glad at all
To behold the watchful eye of the earth
Exposed thoughtlessly by the troubled heart
It had no choice but to yield
To fend off evermore many a germ which approached
And deeper still
The tendons and their reliability
The sinews and their contractions
They were all but a response to the call for help
Of the troubled heart
Of the troubled heart


And as if by a vorpal blade he was struck
By the uncertainty of how to respond
To the perilbringers from outside the shell
Poisonous 'twas, corrupting was the blade
Which spread the somatic earthquake
Which plunged effortlessly and with no regret
Into the chambers of his sentience
The blank pages of his conscience
The whiteboard with all his desires drafted
Thus shattered into powerless cells tossed at random
Like a decaying plague of their insolence traveling far
Across the vascular timeways
With the shell bleeding till, it seems, it expires
It sears till it expires


And there is no time indeed
To conceal, pretend or delude
To flee or to preclude
The advance of the insolent cells
As though the plague messengers
There is however much time to ponder
The question of the purpose of this disarray
For we are trapped by ourselves
In but one panoptical cell amongst others
With all our judgemental neighbors and fathers
Visualizing in the central chamber


There in the office the word is law
A sentence the sentence
Not really concerned they are with the matter
Of whether or not it matters
That the verdicts made are against the commonsensual interest
Of the carrier of the shell, the flesh, the tendons and sinews
The vascular timeways; of the man
His furious dissolution is after all
Driven pointlessly by the primal instincts
Unadjusted to the present day
Yet it continues. And the neighbors and fathers
Keep on tearing apart what the cranium gathers


For much is sent to the central chamber
From the sensible senses
Who attempt to introduce reason
Condemn the internal treason
For nought

So much pressure, such density
Let me, oh me, part with dignity
The spirit sinks! Abandon, abort
'fore the conquest of infinity comes
The fluids of life and departure thicken
Upon the floor wicked
Some otherwise forgettable weekend
My resistance weakened
Past the opposite of peak
I'd yearn to mumble to grandpa Joseph
'The act of life is played
I am bound to join with you
Pack my books, my purse
Into my hearse
Undertaker, make me scarce
The act of life is played
I fade'
As does my imploding cranium
This crimson dawn
These are my, if I may
Terminal conclusions arrived at at the departures terminal
Wherefrom the troubled hearts may
Fly away
Devoured by the worlds inside them


But let them instead conquer
By the whim of their aortae
Their carriers who thought themselves successful
At driving the hearts toward utter madness
Let them, by the whim of their aortae
Conduct the disorder ordained
So that the wrongdoer against the self
The self itself
May be enlightened with the many disadvantages
Of its great betrayal
And so that the pitiful neighbors and fathers
Crushed may be under my scepter, leaving nought but tatters

...And so he rose
And lifted his troubled heart
His part was yet to start

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