She's dead.

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Within a few minutes after the crash the place was already surrounded by fire fighters, more police officers, the healthcare service team and obviously the paparazzi to get hot story.

Unfortunately by the time fire fighters arrived to take out the fire, the car was already ash.

The was noise everywhere, people were wondering who died in there.

So that wicked girl died in there before she could even get rightful punishments for her demonic doings she did.

It's actually a relief that she died in there,now I won't have to kill her myself . My only concern right now is that, where is Morgan?
Is he still alive?
This question kept on buzzing in my brains. He just vanished in the thin air .

By the time I came to my senses the scene was crowded with more people from town, journalists and even more police officers. One journalist came to me and said, " hello ma'am, what happened before the car rolled down the hill?" She asked I didn't answer her.
She asked once again " Who was driving the car? " " Pearl Moore" I answered her lazily.

One police officer asked to come with us to the police station for a few deep questions including the poor taxi driver , I felt guilty for dragging the poor man into my family matters.

" You need to come with us to the station, we have some questions that we have to ask you for further investigations" said a tall dark solemn police officer with a very deep cold voice.

We slowly followed him " So there are possibilities that we might get arrested for Pearl's recklessness" Jasmine said as softly as she could. Damn, she was about to cry. "Don't worry Jas, everything will be fine. We will be fine. No one will be arrested okay," I assured her .

" Hey you, are you deaf? Come with us,you saw everything then why are you still in there " the police officer barked at the poor taxi driver. Jeez this man is so cold, his voice is cold, his eyes are cold. He is just one mean motherfucker who scared people to death with his coldness. I really feel sorry for the taxi driver, because being honest he knows nothing,he doesn't even know why we were following Pearl to that creepy place.

The police car slowly drifted towards the police station. On our way there,we were so quiet that even if a needle fell you would hear it.

Bubbly Jasmine was scared to death, she didn't even dare to move a single muscle or swallow saliva. We were so scared even the taxi driver seemed frightened.

When I left the Orphanage I didn't think things will turn out this way.

We finally arrived at the station we were taken to the interrogation rooms. We were placed in three separate interrogation rooms. I guess it was a way to make us tell the truth and see if  our story matches or not , then if not we are going to be locked up for two more days until we told crystal clear truth.

After putting me in the interrogation room , they left me alone for a while. I wondered how was Jasmine at that moment since she was too soft-hearted .

For my entire life I have never imagined myself being in an interrogation room being interrogated for attempted murder.I can't even focus on my thoughts, this place is just full of bad aura and negativity hanging in the atmosphere .When  you're in this room you just feel like your life is finished.

After a while a police officer entered carrying a jotter book and a pen. He sat down on the chair across the table.

"What's your name? "  he asked politely. " Nicola... Nicola Smith " I said . "Oh, you already recovered?".

"Yes, it's been a while now." I said,

"That's good,then let's get back to today's business, please be as honest as you can" he said, I nodded.

"What were you doing at the abandoned building?"

"I was going after Pearl after she herself confessed that she has kidnapped Morgan, so I went there with a purpose of saving my brother's life without involving the police since the process is too long "

He looked shocked.

"So you're saying that the deceased person is a lady? "

" Yes,her name is Pearl Moore " I said.

"Are you sure that she was telling you the truth?" He asked once again.

"Yes, I'm sure. I even recorded her when she was cursing around that building, screaming and shouting." I said remembering the video Jasmine took.

"Let's hear it " he said ,of course I didn't think he will believe me.

I took out my phone and pressed the video then showed it to the police officer.

"Come out you son of a bitch ... I swear if I get you, you're really dead this time... how could Morgan do this to me ?sob sob...I thought he loved me...once he gets to the police station I'm finished... after all they are already looking for for conning old and disabled people their money in some towns...No I'm not doomed... Yeah I'm not, I could just go out of town and go to a town where I don't have any dirty history...Yes,yes who is he to think that he could just finish me so easily."

Then the police officer paused the video and said, " so this is the very same lady that they are looking for in Free State and in Kimberly? " He asked.

"Yes, I guess she is the one."I said, I was really satisfied by how this matter is being resolved.

"It's a pity that she died and now we can't arrest her for all her sins" he said , after a while he continued " oh and about that accident you were involved in..." He kept quiet for a few seconds.

"What about it? " I asked, I actually hate talking about it but I wanted to know what was that about it.

"I and my teammates have discovered that the car didn't just lose it's control,but  some had cut lose cables connected to the brake pedals " he said.

I couldn't believe my ears , so my dear foster parents didn't just die... they were killed.

"Have you caught the culprit behind it ? " I asked him. I really wanted to know that who was the person behind my misery and my parent's death.

"Yes we got him"

One pitiful night then homeless.Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu