The accusation stung Daniel deeply, but he managed to keep his composure, even as Alexandra's words cut like a knife. He swallowed his own hurt, determined to help his friend.

Carlos muttered an "I told you so" to the boys, a grim reminder of the consequences they faced if they tried to restrain Alexandra. Max, however, snapped at Carlos, frustration evident in his voice, and ordered him to call someone to come and pick them up.

As Alexandra once again struggled to break free from Max's grip, he held her tighter, a mixture of protective instincts and anger surging within him. A cry of pain escaped her lips, causing Daniel's eyes to widen in shock. He watched as Max's expression twisted into one of guilt, realizing that he had hurt her unintentionally.

Panicking, Alexandra whimpered and begged Max to let her go, her fear and anxiety palpable. Her heart raced in her chest, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of painful memories and emotions that had been triggered by the physical contact.

"Let me go," she cried out. "Please, let me go."

Confusion and helplessness gripped Max, Daniel, and George as they stood protectively around Alexandra, who was now trembling, and on the verge of a panic attack. In the midst of this crisis, Max made a quick decision. He lifted her over his shoulder, explaining that they needed to go outside, hoping that the fresh air might provide some relief.

Alexandra fought against Max's hold as they exited the club, and once outside, they encountered Carlos. Max gently placed her on the ground, but she immediately collapsed, heaving and retching as her panic attack intensified.

The four friends watched in shock, their uncertainty about how to react evident. Daniel, wanting to comfort her, reached out to touch her, but she flinched away. Drunk and disoriented, Alexandra's mind was lost in a sea of traumatic memories, and she began to relive the horrors of her past, particularly the night involving Jackson.

"Please...Please don't touch me...Don't hurt me..."

As Daniel withdrew his hand, Alexandra choked out panicked words, begging him not to hurt her. The realization dawned on the boys that she was reliving the darkest and most painful moments of her life, leaving them deeply concerned and uncertain about how to help their friend in her time of need.

For the next five minutes, Alexandra remained slumped against the wall, caught in the throes of her panic attack, her body wracked with sobs as she continued to vomit. Her friends stood around her, helpless, their concern etched deeply into their faces.

George and Carlos, now sobered up by the urgency of the situation, watched as Alexandra suffered, their hearts aching for their friend. Desperation hung in the air as they struggled to find a way to aid her or guide her through this overwhelming episode.

Suddenly, a familiar car pulled up outside the club, catching the attention of George, Daniel, and Max. They turned to Carlos in disbelief, their voices filled with incredulity. "You called him? Of all people?"

Charles rushed towards Alexandra, his heart pounding with concern and desperation. He crouched near her, maintaining a respectful distance, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender to show her that he meant no harm.

"Amor," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine care, "I'm here to help. You'll be okay."

He spoke to her gently, coaching her through her panicked breathing, trying to bring her back from the edge of her panic attack. As her breathing began to steady, the realization of his presence slowly dawned on her. She looked confused, still too intoxicated to fully comprehend the situation. In her dazed state, she asked him why he was there.

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