[6] My Monk of a Husband

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Y/N played the voice recording of the conversation between the two kidnappers.

'Did Jun-yeon really kidnap Jennie?'

Jun Hongwei couldn't help but look at Jennie a couple of times.

It was still summer, but she was wearing a long-sleeved dress and her face was a little pale.

At this moment, she was looking at Jun-yeon, her gaze full of a murderous intent.

'How dare that fool Jun-yeon kidnap Miss Kim? No wonder she said that.'

Jun Hongwei tried to maintain his composure and said assertively, "Technology is advanced these days. How can you confirm the authenticity of this voice recording? The Jun Family may not be on par with the Kim Family, but we are no pushovers."

"I'm bullying you indeed. Like I said, your daughter is a dimwit. She even dared to use her own account to transfer money to the kidnappers."

At that, Jun Hongwei's face suddenly became austere and he glared at Jun-yeon with great disappointment.

After all, Jun-yeon was still just a nineteen-year-old college student. Not only was she severely beaten, the other party had an important piece of evidence against her. She had long been badly frightened.

"If Jennie hadn't gone too far and seduced the person I fancy, would I have done that?"

Y/N sneered and pointed at her. "There you go, she has admitted to it herself."

She then raised her broom and was about to hit her again, but Jun Hongwei immediately rebuked, "Jun-yeon, apologize to Second Young Madam!"

Jun-yeon was full of reluctance and indignation, but when she met Y/N's gaze, she wimped out again.

'This woman is too intimidating!'


"I wasn't the one who got kidnapped. If you want to apologize, kowtow to her."

Y/N pointed to Jennie.

'Kneel and kowtow?'

Jun Hongwei frowned and refuted, "Second Young Madam, there is no need to make the relationship between the two families so strained. The Jun Family is at least a famous and prestigious family. I hope you can take that into account and save us some humiliation."

Y/N rolled her eyes and said disdainfully, "Your family's pride is none of my business. Since Jun-yeon had the guts to kidnap Jennie, why doesn't she have the guts to kowtow? Your family wants your pride and dignity, but so does mine. I'm doing a huge favor by choosing not to get some reporters to come here and broadcast this scene live!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand and pointed at Jun Hongwei. "Otherwise, I'll beat you up too."

'This woman is so arrogant. Why would a vicious and brutal man like Taehyung marry such an uncouth woman?'

"Are you interested in me? I'm not interested in an old man like you who's about to kick the bucket," Y/N said.


Jun Hongwei became visibly more upset, as evidenced by the changes in his expression.

Kai curled the corners of his lips as he silently exchanged glances with Jennie.

'Y/N is so bold with her words.'

"Hurry up, I don't have that much time to waste here. You either take the initiative to kneel down and admit your mistakes, or I'll beat you up until you do so!"

Y/N waved her broom again.


Jun-yeon exclaimed pitifully, looking at Jun Hongwei.

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