Chapter 2 - Make a choice...

Start from the beginning

Doctor: Mr Smith, the nurse informed me that you are waiting for an update on Miss Tanaka's state?

Salvatore: Exactly, how is she doing? Did you make the surgery?

Doctor: We proceeded with an emergency surgery, but her condition is critical. We did our maximum and now, we have to wait and see how things evolve. Does she have a family than we can contact?

Salvatore: Her daughter is here. (He nodded toward the sofa.)

Doctor: We had to put her in an artificial coma. I will ask the nurse to call the child protection service to take care of her daughter.

The doctor left after that short and not really reassuring update. Salvatore was lost in his thoughts. He did his best to help but he was not sure to be able to do anything more. He was still waiting for information about Fumiko. Dante, on his side, thought that they had done more than enough, and he wanted to leave that place.

Gabriel had excused himself after the doctor's departure. He had a call to make.

Dante: Everything is settled now; we can go home.

Salvatore: You can leave, I need to wait a little, I can't let that kid alone after taking her here.

Dante: You don't even know her, why do you care! She is better here than in that creepy neighborhood alone, in an insecure building! Let the doc take care of the rest.

Salvatore: Dante, I don't want to argue with you at this hour.

Dante: I am only stating facts. You did what you thought was good, that's enough. We are not angels doing volunteering!

The father and son were staring at each other. They didn't notice that Suki woke up from her force nap and that she silently left while they were arguing.

Gabriel: Where is the kid?

Salvatore: What do you mean, she is... (He turned himself and discovered the empty sofa.) Fu**, where is she?

Dante: You see, she is a brat that can't stay in place.

Gabriel: She mustn't have gone far. I was near the entry and didn't see her. (He looked around and saw the double door leading toward the hospitalization rooms, still moving.) Over there.

Gabriel walked toward the double doors. It was the middle of the night and there was very few medical personal. In fact, that hospital security sucked. Salvatore followed his eldest son and Dante too, even if he didn't really want to be here.

The corridor had dim lights, to favorize the tranquility of the patients. Some beeps resonated, proofs that people were still alive.

Dante: I hate hospitals...

Salvatore: The kid is probably looking for her mother.

Gabriel: You were both there and you didn't notice that she was awake and had left.

There was nothing to answer, Gabriel was right. The trio wandered in the corridors without issues. They saw two nurses talking in an office and a woman cleaning a room but nothing else.

They arrived at the end of the principal corridor. Salvatore looked at the right corridor and he saw her. She was standing in front of a room, staring inside threw the window door. Her hands were resting on the door, she was trembling. 

A missing piece... The other half - A Mafia Brothers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now