Lia whimpered Yeji's name and hugged her as tightly as she could without hurting her.

"My Lia. My perfect, beautiful Lia..." Yeji whispered, closing her eyes and tucking Lia in closer to her. "I'm so glad you're ok. You look tired, how much did you sleep last night?"

"To hell with me, how are you? Are you ok? Did they give you things for your headache? How bad are your ribs, they told me they weren't broken but they were unstable and fragile. Anggg, your jaw is a bit swollen. What have you eaten? Do you need to use the bathroom? These pillows look a little flat..." Lia checked Yeji all over, suddenly becoming a better doctor than anyone here.

"I'm fine. The hospital will take the best care of me that they can, trust me." Yeji wanted to chuckle, but she couldn't without her abdomen hurting.

"What do you mean?"

"My father owns all the hospitals in Long Island."

"Holy shit... all of them?"

"It's a family thing, he was his parents' only child, so." Yeji breathed out, completely relaxed. Lia smells so sweet and warm, like her favorite dessert. Her skin is so warm on Yeji's cold skin. Her soft hair, so easy to comb fingers through, so lovely to touch. Her figure, so adorable and desirable to hold, like an angel. Her angel.

"Can I lay with you?" Lia asked.

"Yes! There's plenty of space, you'd fit perfectly." Yeji gently scootched over as Lia put all of her things down. "So cute in my clothes!!" Yeji noted. She must call Lia cute every-fucking-day.

"I don't wanna hurt you." Lia said as she focused on getting into the hospital bed as smoothly as possible.

"Don't worry about me, my nurse actually told me that my "abs of steel" saved me a lot."

They giggled together, Lia melted into Yeji, grabbing her hospital gown tightly as if it would keep Yeji from going anywhere. She felt at home, she had cuddled with a lot of people in her life, but none made her feel the way Yeji does.

For Yeji, the pressure of having someone on her made her feel secure, something about the extra weight. Something about the way Lia gripped onto her gown adorably. Something about how safe Lia felt in her arms, and the energy spread through them both.

She must have admired Lia for longer than she thought, because the next thing she knew Lia was fully asleep on her chest. Poor baby was so tired and distressed. Yeji kissed the top of Lia's head, more thankful than anything that Lia gave her a chance even though she thought she wasn't attracted to girls. So happy that she was able to show Lia a bit of how well she deserves to be treated. So, at peace, knowing that Lia made her happy and vice versa.

Her soul has been through a lot in the last couple of weekends, but she's still this bright, vibrant, caring, and effortlessly beautiful and brave. She went through her memories of the night before, when she was getting fresh air before the match and saw Lia getting harassed in the line for concessions.

She was about to step in, but when she realized Lia handled herself well, she was filled with proud and positive emotions. And her bravery to spit in Izzy's face, Yeji wanted to laugh so hard when she did that. She didn't even know Lia could spit so well. But she was raised in New York State after all.

Yeji thought back to all of their little moments, even the ones they shared as hookups who actually knew nothing about one another. Disneyworld, too. All of it. Their lives were a mess, but somehow their relationship was just perfect.

Yeji's nurse, Mortia, came in hours later. Honestly, she didn't want to wake Yeji up, or anyone up. Everyone was asleep. But they would be glad about the news she has to share. She gently woke up Yeji, which also woke up Lia, but didn't wake up Hyunjin.

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