I have Dr. Raynor tomorrow, she requested I bring this. My 37th journal iver the past 4 years. My others were destroyed, and I've already written in another one which she put her hands on and read it. Then she told me I was mentally unstable and I needed a lot of help.

My stupid foster agent thing or whatever keeps texting me. Her names Melissa, but you knew that. she's a bitch. She thinks Bucky's unstable, but he's kept me safe in the past.

She texts me, asking if everything's ok, and if she needs to get me, blah blah blah. The thing is, I'm not in Foster care anymore. After Steve died, I got put in there, Bucky had bought an apartment and adopted me, and Melissa just won't leave me alone about it. I get it's her job, but it's annoying, because Bucky's the best person I've ever met.

I saw Morgan yesterday, if it matters. I don't know, I'm just writing what comes to mind at this point. She called me her big sister. It's hard to believe I killed her grandparents by how much she loves me.

"You see, here's a problem. "It's hard to believe I killed her grandparents by how much she loves me", Cecelia you've gone over this, that wasn't you." Christina said, looking up at her. Cecelia sighed as she looked at her.

"Alright but, I meant like my body did it." Cecelia excused that's not at all what she meant, but what's a little white lie.

"Cecelia, you have to stop with that." She said, Cecelia shook her head. Her face went a little red as she shook stared down.

"What the hell do you think I'm trying to...I'm trying, alright? It's not as easy as you think it is."

I talked to Peter as well, he's doing alright. He misses Mr. Stark, which I mean it's understandable. Peter and I understand each other. I lost Natasha and Steve, he lost Mr. Stark, we kinda know what it's like to lose parental figures. It sucks, but you gotta move on.

Bucky and I are good as well. We watched a new movie today, we've been catching up on them. I'm pretty sure it was called The Titanic. The girl in it was pretty. But, I don't know, that's just me. Bucky and I liked it. Steve, Tasha, and I were gonna watch it, but we didn't get to it. I'm sure you know why.

I'm happy Bucky is back, I missed him more than I've ever missed anyone. I gotta go now though, Bucky's attempting to make me a grilled cheese, so we'll see how it goes.

- Cecelia Barnes

"No nightmares though, right?" She asked, Cecelia shrugged her shoulders.

"Like a little one, but that's it." Cecelia said as Raynor tossed her the book back. Cecelia caught it, and put it back into her jacket.

"Melissa calls you because it's her job." She said and Cecelia rolled her eyes.

"She just doesn't like Bucky." Cecelia said, her hand going to her mouth. She bit her fingernail as she looked at the clock.

"Thank you for calling Peter." Raynor said as she took out her notebook, crossing something out. "Any new amends?" Raynor asked, Cecelia shook her head before taking another notebook out. This was the same size as her other one.

It had all of her victims and their families in order. She had a few left, she had 2, actually. There was one she was holding off on.

The Jansens.
Her most horrifying assassinations.
She wiped out a whole family, except for one. The father of the family. He'd lived in town, and he barely ever came out. In fact, he lived down the hallway from Cecelia and Bucky. Cecelia killed his entire family. She didn't want to see him, she couldn't do it. That horrified her, the fact that she murdered his entire family in front of him. It sickened her.

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