The journey

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"ugh, im so Tired we walked for miles-" Anna complains. "Sh! I heard something" Kelsie interups Anna's complaining."I think we should lie down." I exclaim concerned about everyone's safety, they all agree. We start to head to a shady area but as soon as we turn around... BAM! we all heard a loud slam coming from the alleyway, we didn't see anyone but the only thing we saw was a trash can that had been closed by someone...or something. We turn back around to go look for a shady spot once again, we finally find a spot then we hear another noise only this time it sounded like a voice whispering to our ears "you shouldn't be here" the voice moans, it sounded like it didn't want us here so we leave and go back home for the night.

The next day.
We come back to the spot we heard the voice, this time we bring equipment and try to catch some supernatural evidence of what happened, but only this time we didn't hear anything so we sit down and start to have a conversation but in the middle of my sentence...
SLAM! we hear the trash cans slam once again. We start to ask questions not knowing if it was a ghost or not but then we hear an answer..."Go" it sounded very demanding, we decide to go back home again so we don't anger the unidentified spirit. When I arrive home i'm greeted by my adorable dog Leo, he pounces on me like he hasn't seen me in ages. I walk upstairs to my room to find a book to read, I stumbled upon a book titled "The lost spirits" I begin to read it realizing a few of these experiences these people had are very close to the experiences me and my friends had. The next day I bring the book with me to show the crew,
"isn't this the exact experience we had?" Savannah exclaims in realization. "It is!" Anna shouts, "Not so loud please, its six in the morning" I say with a grouchy voice. "Sorry." Anna apologizes, but i'm still am a little annoyed. "Lets just continue with our investigation..." Kelsie says with reasoning, " Your right Kelsie." I say a little ashamed. We continue only to realize we have a problem...

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