Will he?

Killian's eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was me, staring right back at him


It startled him and he jumped back, standing right up in the process. He shook his head to see if he was seeing right while I took the time and stood up on all fours as well.

He then stared at me, looking a little confused, 'Did you wake up early?' He asked.

'Yes,' I lied

'And you were staring at my face the entire time?' His tail started to wag in excitement and I couldn't help but feel all bubbly inside at his reaction. Sometimes he's so cute. Especially his wolf.

'Not the entire time,' I said, 'But I was looking at you for a while.' As I gazed into his eyes, a storm of conflicting emotions swirled within me. I found myself lost.

I knew I wanted him. I know he wants me too

But my fears stand above my desires.

'Really!?!?' He jumped in excitement and his tail started wagging even harder. I wanted to laugh at him but my heart hurt. I had to come to a decision and I needed to be away from him for that.

'Killian,' I got all of his attention just by saying his name and he was about to come closer to me when I dropped the bomb on him, 'I want to leave the forest.'

He froze, looking at me directly in my eyes, 'Already?'

I nodded, 'My assignment is done, I need to go and work on the rest of it outside.' I looked away.

He frowned, 'Is that all?' He circled around to make eye contact again but I avoided it, 'You can stay a little longer, it'll be fun-'

'I want to leave,' I cut him off, 'Now,'

He stopped, 'Are you mad at me?' He asked as he got suspicious of my actions, 'Did I do something wrong?'

'No,' I replied, 'I just want to go out.'


There was a moment of silence between us


'Is it because you don't want to be with me?'


I frowned but didn't answer him, nor did I look at him.

'Amara,' There was pain in his voice now, 'Can't you stay with me?'

'No,' I stepped further away from him, 'I want to leave.'

I don't know what it was but I felt something inside of my break. Maybe my heart. Or maybe it was my wolf.

'Do I lack in some way?' He stood in his place, unmoving but his words shocked me.

Is he lacking in some way? Is he out of his mind? Why would he say that? He's perfect!! I'm the one who's lacking!! I'm lacking so much that I'm afraid!!

But, I couldn't bring myself to look at him, 'I don't have answers,' I replied. I didn't know what to say to him. I'm so lost here.

I want to tell him I want to stay, but I'm so afraid! How could I stay? I would be nothing more than a burden!

'WHY!?' I could sense the pain in his words, 'At least tell me the reason!' And I wondered if he could sense the pain in mine?

'I,' I stepped away again but this time he jumped towards me.

'Say it!' He growled in my mind, 'Tell me why do you keep pushing me away.' I looked away but he headbutted me softly, forcing my eyes to meet his.

His actions were overwhelming for me. I was lost, so what was I supposed to say to him??

'Amara!' He called my name and I couldn't take it so I shifted back to my human form and ran towards where I left my bag to get my clothes.

I didn't even pay any attention to the fact that I was naked as I was running away but I certainly wasn't expecting what he did next.

Just as I was about to reach my bag, I felt a heavy weight on my back that overpowered me, bringing me down to the ground.


I was flipped around as I crashed onto the grassy ground. All of it happened so fast I couldn't react fast enough but I shut my eyes bracing myself for the hard impact.


As the back of my head hit the ground I didn't feel any pain.


Rather, there was a softer feeling there. As if something was cupping the area, protecting me from the damage and harm.

I shot my eyes open and the first thing I saw was Killian, in his human form, looking down at me as he was gripping my right wrist. He had it pinned by the side of my head while his left hand was under my head.

I looked at him wide-eyed as he looked back at me with a pained frown.


He made sure I wasn't hurt when he tackled me down.

"Why?" He stared at my face, "Why can't you give me a chance?" His eyebrows were knitted together so near, the lines on his forehead were clear.

My wolf howled at his pain, breaking my heart as well.

His handsome face loomed over mine as he slowly slipped his left hand and then rested it on the side of my head, supporting his weight above me.

"What," His voice was pained, just like his thoughts were, "Do I have to do to make you stay?"

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now