Dian lifted his eyebrows.

"You are here with me, do not worry, really," Thanos' sudden change to soft voice showed he was talking seriously. "If it makes you feel better then let me tell you that there is about a dozen of maid's friends from USA and some others from France. She spent there two years on exchange trips. So you are definitely not the only no-Greek guest here."

Dian nodded.

"Are you ok with it? You do not have to push yourself if you do not feel comfortable..."

"I am fine, I guess I just needed some reassurance..." Dian looked around on the everpresent chaos: "Looks like a wedding in Thailand. Just less colorful," he narrowed his eyes.
Thanos did not like the sudden feeling of panic he could not control. Seeing Dian narrowing his eyes in nostalgia, he imagined him feeling homesick...thinking about returning...
His chest felt suddenly heavy what only assured him that he must find out... There will be no better chance than tonight.

"Surprisingly, I do not miss this part of Thai life," Dian added smilingly, pulling his Greek friend back to the fuss of the present and unknowingly melting the stone that was about to remain on Thanos' chest for the whole evening.

But this boy definitely had the magical ability to heal all those dark emotions.
Just by few words spoken.

Thanos wondered in a brief thought if someone could be a witcher placing heavy spells on one's heart unintentionally, while in the very next moment, being the merciful healer of all the inner pains he just brought about...

"Αθανάσιο, εδώ είσαι!" the proud father of the bride was approaching Thanos loudly. As mentioned before, he would be also proud of the groom, if only the groom was this perfect Greek man and not the one his daughter chose. At least if he was a Greek! "But, he is French," the man frowned his eyebrows at this thought.

The conversation was quick and Greek and the man left the same way he came - like a storm.
Dian thought he heard mentioning Nikos' name.
"I need to go to the lobby to ask his wife about some arrangement for tonight. To be specific, Nikos promised to make some dance performance, but he will not make it to come in the end."
Meanwhile they made their way to the entering hall despite all the guests arriving and flowing further to the dinning room in opposite direction.

The bride's mother seemed disappointed in the first part of the conversation where Dian could understand only Nikos' name again, but then her face lit up soon after. She called a small boy to come and they discussed something all three together. With a triple "ok", Dian and Thanos left to put their bags into the rooms.

"The room is big like my apartment but as you said I will not waste more of my nerves on this," Dian just stated with a pocker-face when he closed the door of his "room".
In the end, they ended up alone in this part of the fifth floor, where only three exceptional rooms were situated. Nikos did not arrive and Spiros refused to sleep in the hotel.
"He is just being polite, nobody wants to have nightmares on a night like this," Thanos chuckled although one could not be sure if he does not mean it seriously.

All rooms and the private lobby as well faced the Albanian coast that could be now only guessed by the towns' lights visible in the distance. The night arrived.

On their way down in the elevator they could hear the music already resonating through out the whole hotel. Mixed with guests' laughter and mumble it was clear that the party began.

Dian could not believe how many people appeared in the conference hall in the 20 minutes when they were away. Despite the celebrating chaos, when these two handsome men in their perfect-fit suits entered the hall, they naturally attracted attention of all the nearby present persons.
And yes, there were a lot of single ladies...

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