Chapter 10

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To Dian, life in Corfu seemed like a never-ending celebration of anything that could be celebrated. The only condition was presence of at least dozen of people otherwise it was not considered seriously. Just a week later after Γιαγιά's birthday, Dian found himself with Thanos on a wedding of somebody that even Thanos seemed not to know that close.

In meantime, they attempted a celebration of the Holy Spirit in a nearby town that the celebration culminated in jumping over the bonfire. Especially for the children, that were jumping over their own little bonfire, it was an event to remember and to repeat the next year.

Pulled by the mystic atmosphere and the radiating joy, even the calm Thai boy did not need to be persuaded for long. Joining the snake of young men and women sliding across the town's square, rippling over the orange sparkling flames, stopping and joining the celebrating youth again, he enjoyed this simple demonstration of unity, until even the strongest lights faded off in the night.

To get back to earth, the very next evening they run into Thanos' friends that dragged them into a bar to celebrate, well, Dian was not sure what.

And as he read, this island has a Saint Patron to be celebrated every week at least. So who knows what's on the agenda this Saturday or the days after...

But the event tonight was huge.

The luxurious hotel was all booked out for the 300 guests that were invited from all over Greece and abroad. About hundred more were expected to drop by somewhen during the night to give best wishes to the spouses. And to have some drinks and meze and dance...

The daughter of the hotel's owner, their only child, was getting married.

Spiridon, her father, had only one regret and that was that the bridegroom was not anybody from the Pantazis boys...
He was a very close business partner of Thanos' grandfather, despite their age difference. The hardworking man made it high in the accommodation business with his three hotels and he knew he owes it all to the certain sum of money that the old Pantazis borrowed him decades ago to start his first business.

Because of this, Spiridon wished so much that his personal patron could be here tonight. He wanted to show him what he achieved in full glamour. But the old man does not travel anymore. The thirty years went by so quickly since they first met.

However the gloomy old man ordered his three grandsons to represent him on the wedding instead. And for the peace in Crete, especially having his father's wellbeing in mind, even Thanos agreed to do so. After all, it is just a wedding of a good family's girl that they once were planning to match with him. Until his great escape abroad solved the "problem".

"So how exactly did you made me to come with you to this spectacular event?" Dian was looking around at the enormous flower decorations and thousands of glittering details and wished he could merge with the staff that seemed to outcount the guests.
"Maybe because I forgot to tell you how big it will be. On purpose," the golden sparkles danced amused in his blue eyes when this confident young man smiled at the slightly insecure Thai boy.

Dian made a loud sigh in disagreement.

"Relax, it will be fun. But if you should not enjoy it, here is the key to your room," Thanos handled a cardkey to Dian that remained in surprise.

"But we are only half an hour away from Kerkyra, I could easily go back to my apartment."

"Nope, believe me, the last thing that you want, is to try to reach one of the few taxis on this island, late at night, when you are tired. That's why I told you to take your things for a sleepover."

"But I thought the hotel is far away---"

"Well, they offered the rooms to our family and our friends, that come with us tonight, so we should not refuse, right?"

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