Like she had already traveled to the future and knew without a doubt that it would all happen. 

"Fenix Ellis on one knee? Yummy," I murmured, leaning into her to peck her lips. "Just you on your knees in general..." I trailed off as we pulled back from the brief kiss. 

Fenix raised a brow, "Awfully bold today are we?" she teased me.

I nodded, not even bothering to shut the suggestion down, "Once we're out of this hospital, I'll show you how bold I can really be," I said, lowering my tone as I carefully held her eyes. 

Fenix raised a brow, "Not if I show you first," she countered, gripping my waist into her warm body. 

I hummed, "I'd like that... perhaps after we get our ring bands," I said, giving her confirmation on the ring idea. 

And just like that, Fenix's lips were twitching up into a soft smile, "Really?" she questioned. 

I didn't hesitate to nod, "Really," I repeated back to her, pecking her lips as I said, "I'd love to be your trial fiancé before becoming your real one." 

A laugh fell from Fenix's lips, "I don't like the word trial—no one's taking your place, Rossi," she said, shutting down the term, "Maybe just pretend fianceé who almost killed someone for me." 

I couldn't help but giggle, "You're not letting that one go are you?" 

Fenix only laughed again, "Definitely not—a hot FBI Agent was really about to kill someone for me," she said, easily earning a laugh from me as well. 

"Devora?" I heard her familiar voice call, hearing a gentle knock on the hospital door. 

I felt my lips grow into a smile, "Come in," I called out, feeling my body suddenly course with excitement—meanwhile, Fenix seemed slightly nervous. 

But I knew that was only due to the fact that this would be her first time meeting someone from my life other than Yelena. 

Even laying eyes on Gia, I couldn't even begin to stop myself from sitting up from the bed beside Fenix. 

"Hi," Gia greeted, shyly handing me the flowers as she pulled me in for a hug. 

I hugged her back, "I've missed you so much," I said, passing the flowers over to Fenix who gave Gia a grateful smile. 

"Thank you," Fenix said, motioning to the flowers that she sat by the bedside. 

Gia nodded, "Anything for my best friends..." she looked at me, and I could see the sudden excited smile dangling on her lips, "Girlfriend," she whispered happily. 

And I couldn't help but laugh when she clapped to herself, causing Fenix to laugh as well. 

"I'm sorry, but you—" Gia suddenly looked to Fenix, "—She dodged a major bullet with the literal stalker she used to work with," she said, initiating a conversation with her. 

Fenix lazily raised her brows, "Tell me about it—and get this, she was in love with her too," she added, easily making Gia's brows raise. 

"Oh that's tea that Yelena didn't spill—" Gia crawled to sit crisscross at the end of the bed, "—I need to hear more," she added, facing us as she made herself comfortable. 

Fenix laughed, "More? Well, I hope you have time to kill," she said, clearly about to spill everything and anything to my best friend. 

My heart immediately swelled with relief, watching the two most important people in my life connect.

And as we all began to chat and laugh, creating a harmonious atmosphere that made the sterile hospital room feel a little less clinical—I couldn't help but feel grateful. 

Not even with just how quickly Gia and Fenix seemed to get along, but also for the fact that everything was becoming... oddly normal? 

Like my life had room for Fenix—and hers had room for mine. 

It was always a huge worry of mine that our lives would clash, but right now they definitely couldn't have gone together any better. 

"She was willing to shoot Devora? Someone she claimed to be in love with?" Gia questioned, clearly finding the entire situation with Wynn insane. 

Fenix nodded a few times, "Insane right? She was over here offering the best surgeons," she said, laughing to herself. 

I couldn't help but shake my head, "Like she wasn't the one about to shoot me," I deadpanned, actually finding the situation to be entirely entertaining. 

Gia and Fenix both let out laughs, adding to the quiet hospital air as we managed to bond over the insane situation that Wynn managed to create. 

And soon the conversation about Wynn changed entirely to Fenix and I—how we ended up working together or when we knew we had feelings—it was all these different questions that somehow left me smiling so sorely that I questioned if my smile would ever fade. 

Thinking back to those times genuinely made me realize how far we have come. 

And I couldn't be prouder or happier about our progress. 

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