Lewis, however, shook his head solemnly. "No hospitals. The last thing we need is the blog sniffing around for another story about Lexi."

Max spoke with uncertainty in his voice, his trust in Charles shaken by recent events. He couldn't help but question the truth of the situation. Lewis, however, held a different perspective, and he chose his words carefully.

"Do you believe Charles's story?" Max asked, searching for reassurance.

Lewis nodded solemnly. "I do, Max. There are things about Lexi's past that you still don't know. Charles was trying to protect her."

Max's uncertainty persisted, but he respected Lewis's perspective. They both understood the importance of coaxing Alexandra out of the bedroom, but the challenge lay in reaching her through the thick walls of her distress and uncertainty. They knew that, at this moment, they were her lifelines, the ones she could turn to for support and understanding as she navigated the turbulent waters of her emotions and the shadows of her past.

In the hushed atmosphere of Max's apartment, Alexandra's sobs eventually subsided, and her breathing grew steadier, indicating that she had likely fallen into a fitful sleep. Lewis, recognizing the signs, nodded silently to Max, signaling that they should continue their conversation outside the bedroom.

"Tell me what's going on," Max began, his voice low and strained. "I can't shake this feeling that Charles has been lying to her a lot recently. It's like there are secrets he's keeping from her. What's so bad about her past that he's lying to protect her?"

"What other secrets?" Lewis asked Max for more details, wanting to understand the timeline and the events that had transpired.

Max hesitated before sharing the truth. "Lexi's brother has joined Red Bull. He's one of the engineers. It happened right before the Spanish GP. That meeting we had where you stormed out and threatened Charles? They decided to do it anyway."

"Who's they?"

"Charles, Seb, Toto, and Christian. They said it was the only way. I thought you knew." 

Lewis's anger flared, and he couldn't hide his frustration. He felt a deep sense of betrayal and disappointment, not only from Charles but also from Max for not sharing this information sooner. He questioned Max, demanding to know why he hadn't confided in him.

Max, defensive and feeling the weight of his actions, responded, "I thought I was doing the right thing by protecting Lexi."

Lewis's anger grew, and he pointed towards the door leading to Alexandra's room. His voice raised in frustration as he shouted at Max, "Charles thought he was protecting her too, Max, but look how that ended up."

In that moment, the room seemed to crackle with tension and unanswered questions, as Max and Lewis grappled with their own choices and the consequences they had on the woman they both cared deeply for.

In the charged atmosphere of Max's apartment, Lewis's frustration boiled over. He grabbed his belongings in a hurry, his anger propelling him towards the door. Max, still grappling with his own confusion and concerns, called out to Lewis, demanding to know where he was going.

Lewis turned to Max with a resolute expression, his determination clear. "I need to speak to Charles," he replied curtly.

Without further explanation, Lewis left the apartment, his steps heavy with resolve. He slammed the door behind him, leaving Max alone in the wake of their heated conversation, his confusion and concern lingering in the air like a heavy cloud.

As the door closed with a finality that echoed in Max's thoughts, he couldn't help but wonder what revelations and confrontations the night would bring, and how they would reshape the dynamics of their tangled relationships.

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