Chapter 1

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After being humiliated at the pool by Chloe and Kim, Marinette closed her heart off to love.

At the pools changing rooms Marinette was crying which Socqueline saw so she went over and hugged Marinette

"Oh Marinette I'm so sorry that had to happen to you." Socqueline said then she broke the hug and saw Marinette wiping the tears from her eyes and she had an angry look on her face

"You know what Socqueline, from this day on I'm closing my heart from loving another person so I don't get heartbroken again and I'll never be friends with any of Chloe's friends since they could be like her." Marinette said which shocked Socqueline

"Marinette you can still love another person, you don't have to close your heart off." Socqueline said but that made Marinette angerer

"So Chloe can ruin it again, no Socqueline. Fuck love and Fuck Valentine's Day as well." Marinette said as she stood up

"Now if you excuse me I got to get dressed." Marinette said as Socqueline walked out and Marinette closed the door and after 20 minutes Marinette came out wearing her clothes and with a neutral look on her face

"I can't hurt Chloe since she could call her father but I can hurt Sabina since she's weak." Marinette said as they both walked out of the pool and that's when they saw Chloe and Sabrina standing outside

"Oh look Sabrina look who came out of hiding." Chloe said which made the two girls laughed but they stopped when they heard Marinette's cold voice

"You know what Chloe I don't care what you do to me in the future but there's something called karma and it will bite you fucking bitches in your arse." Marinette said as she glared at them

"Do you know who you are talking to, I'm the mayor's daughter, I can make my father close down that bakery of yours and get your parents kicked out of Paris." Chloe said but that made Marinette smile

"Go ahead and do it." Marinette said which made Socqueline gasp

"Marinette don't." Socqueline said

"Socqueline my parents bakery is very popular among the city of Paris and if they heard the mayor closed it down then they will be rioting for him to stand down and knowing Andre he wouldn't want that since it would disrupt the money coming in, so Chloe do you want Paris to hate your father to resign or don't anything and your father stays in power, so it's your choice Chloe." Marinette said as she smiled seeing the conflict on her face then sighed

"You win Dupain Cheng but I'll still find something to make fun of you." Chloe said as she also deleted the video

I" knew you would make a good choice Chloe." Socqueline said as Chloe and Sabrina walked away

"Thanks Socqueline and I know you are graduating from Francoise Dupont College so here's my number." Marinette said as she wrote down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to Socqueline

"Thanks Mari, hopefully we can still keep in contact in the future and don't close your heart to love Marinette, I'm sure there is a boy out there perfect for you." Socqueline

"I hope you are right, Socqueline." Marinette said as the two girls walked to the bakery and they entered

1 year later

"Marinette, wake up your alarm has been ringing for the past 10 minutes!" Sabine shouted at Marinette who was meditating something she leaned over the year

"I am up Mom!" Marinette shouted back as she finished her mediation Yogo then she walked downstairs to the kitchen where she made breakfast

"Good Morning honey." Sabine said

Marinette cold hearted heroWhere stories live. Discover now