Chapter 29

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Lan zhan and Lan ying was walking towards the entrance of cloud recesses to meet their family. They disappeared for almost two years and it is time to introduce their little bun to the Lan family.

"Who are you?" The guard disciple in the entrance ask.

"We are here to meet with sect leader lan." Lan ying speak

"Wait here while I go get sect leader." Before the disciple can go Lan zhan spoke.

"No need. Here." Lan zhan showed his jade token shocking the disciple.

"Second master lan." He salute and let them in.

"Baba, mama it's so peaceful here." Lan yuan comments

"But there is a lot of rules too yuan-ge." Lan ming.

"Mn. Your brother is right a-yuan." Lan ying comments.

"A-zhan, a-xian!" Madame lan exclaimed and rush to two the two boys engulfing them in the hug.

"Mother." Lan ying and lan zhan spoke at the same time.

"You are gone for a year and you just visited us now." Madame lan sadly spoke.

"Don't worry mother I and Lan zhan will visit often starting today." Lan ying happily speak.

"Mama who is she?" Lan ming ask while crossing his arms pouting.

"Oh" lan ying awkwardly laugh forgetting to introduce their little buns.

"A-yuan, a-ming come closer." Lan zhan spoke.

The two walk closer to their parents while looking curiously at the woman their parents called mother.

"Mother this is our little buns. A-yuan, a-ming why don't you introduce yourself to your grandmother." Lan ying spoke once again.

Madame lan was looking at them shocked.

"Lan yuan, Lan sizhui greets grandmother." Lan yuan introduce politely.

"Lan Ming, Lan Jingyi greets grandma." Lan Ming introduced while smiling so brightly.

Looking at the two they don't look like adopted because they look like lan zhan and lan ying.

Madame lan smile at them "nice meeting the two of you. A-zhan, a-xian how come? Is it even possible?"

"Don't worry mother we will explain to you. But where is father, xiongzhang, miemie and shufu?" Lan zhan ask.

"They are at the hanshi let's go and meet them."

The adult walk silently. While the two children are talking non stop. I mean Lan ming was talking non stop to his brother who was listening and would answer with just nod and sometimes with an mn.

After the lan family reunion once again. Lan zhan's family retire to the jingshi his home in cloud recesses.

They are just getting ready to sleep when  lang qianqiu communicate with them through the communication array.

"Uncle Lang what is it?" Wei ying ask grumpily they are just about to do their everyday but they disturb them.

Lang Qianqiu"Sorry a-xian for the disturbance. But we found something here in yi city you need to see it."

Lan Zhan "uncle lang can we go their tomorrow?"

"Okay wangji. But you need to come fast." With that their communication ended.


yi city is covered with a white fog. It renders their sight to see. All they could rely in was their hearing. Yi city is also known as coffin house. Lan zhan and Lan ying was suddenly attacked. They are wearing all black and had a mask to hide their identity.

Suibian and bichen dance around by the command of their master. Lan zhan and Lan ying had their back on each other protecting their back.

Suddenly one of the mask man summoned fierce corpses with a flute. It made them shock.

Lan ying twirls his flute chenqing, he blows a sharp command, the fierce corpses quiver and with a thud the corpses are on their knees. As Lan wuxian focuses on the corpses lan zhan dashed towards the the mask man.

Sword glares of bichen lights up the night sky, every thrust is unpredictable and sharp. Every thrust of Lan wangji the enemy would stumble back. They are no match for them.

"Lan zhan lets finished it quickly. I wanna go and meet Uncle lang already." Lan ying said pouting at his husband.

"Mn." With just that reply his enemies head rolled out their body. Beheaded by Lan zhan.

Seeing this Lan ying laughed at his husband.

"Lan zhan I didn't say behead them." Lan ying spoke in between his laugh. Lan zhan just smile at him.

"Lan zhan ah lan zhan HAHAHAH"

"Come on lan zhan let's go find uncle."

In the yi city resentment energy is so huge and abundant specially in the coffin house they are in right now.

"Uncle Qi, uncle Lang this resentment could form as a land bourne abyss if not dealt right now." Lan ying spoke

"I know a-xian that is why I called you and wangji." Lang Qianqiu replied

Qi Ying spoke "Who would even do this? The people here are turned as fierce corpses. It's like they are experimented on."

Lan Zhan "mn. I will play cleansing first."

After they have dealt the resentment they also find something suspicious.
Strong resentment was found beneath the coffin and a severed right hand and torso was found.

"Ah. Who could be this hand belongs to Lan zhan."

"Need to investigate."

"That's why we are here in the first place anyway" Qi ying replied.

Wei Ying x Lan Zhan Time Travel (SLOW UPDATE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora