Chapter 28

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Heavenly realm is bustling with gods all around chasing the two child.

"A-yuan, a-ming hide don't make me catch you or I'll tickle you non stop!" Shi Qingxuan exclaimed playfully.

They are playing hide and seek with the twins of their taizi dianxia and his husband Hanguang jun.

Xie Lian known as the Tiandi of the heavenly realm, while wei wuxian the taizi dianxia and Xingguang Feihong Baihe he would also be the next in line of Xie lian. And Lan wangji as Hanguang jun.

During the consummation of the wedding of Wangji and Wuxian the two ascended to god hood together. Wei wuxian was the god of yin, while his husband wangji is the god of yang.

The ascension of Wei wuxian was already anticipated by the gods as jun wu's silver core was residing in him. And he also had the blood of an immortal and a god.

However hanguang jun was another matter they thought he would ascend in 2 years more but they are wrong.

The couple are now being worshipped in the yiling as they are the one to help the village when the resentment in the burial mounds suddenly leaks.

The burial mounds are now cleansed and the temple of the two gods are built there. There statue was will crafted and very detailed. But the face had a thin cloth masking there identity the only shown are their eyes. The other one had a shining golden eyes while the other had a silver with the strips of red.

"Mama save me!/ Baba save me!" The shouts is heard in the xianle palace as they are currently visiting.

Wei ying now known as Lan ying scoop his son Lan Ming while Lan zhan scoop Lan yuan.

Shi Qingxuan was in tow and laughing at the twins.

Lan wuxian pouts at that "Qingxuan ayi stop tickling my babies."

"But I didn't a-xian" shi qingxuan replied sheepishly.

"Baba Qingxuan gumu always tickles a-ming don't believe her." Lan ming pouts at his baba.

Lan zhan sighs at their child. Lan Ming/ Lan Jingyi is like his mother, his features, everything. While Lan Yuan) Lan sizhui got all of my traits.

"A-Yuan and a-ming don't stress your mama so much okay?" Lan wangji reprimand them.

The twins is already 2 years old. They can talk straight, they can read and write and they also started their cultivation already, of course with the guide of everyone around them.

"Ming'er, yuan'er come to grandma and let me hug you. I miss the both of you" Xie lian spoke.

The twins also run to their grandma to be embrace.

"Baba not fair. How about your a-ying you don't miss me?" Lan wuxian pouts looking at his baba.

"Silly a-ying of course baba misses you but we are always together."

At that lan wuxian pouts even more. That it made lan wangji to smile.

"Lan zhan stop smiling. Poor me my heart can't take it." He dramatically exclaimed

"Mama so silly" his son Lan ming snickers.

"Why you little."

Lan wangji and Xie lian just laugh at him.

"Yuan'er and Ming'er go to your grandaunt and granduncle first. Why you don't play with them okay." Lan ying spoke.

"Yes mama!" The two boys replied and run together outside or more like Lan ming is dragging his brother outside.

"Baba what is this you want to talk about?" Lan zhan ask.

"I will get straight to the point. A-ying and a-zhan I want you to go descend to the mortal realm to investigate the appearance of the demonic beast and ghost in the cultivation world. And also a-ying investigate the increase of the resentment energy." Xie lian spoke seriously

Lan wuxian gulp shock of this news while Lan zhan raised is brow.

"Baba is it not the wen sect? Did they not gather the yin iron and wedge war against the other sect?" Lan wuxian inquired.

"No a-ying it is not the wen sect." At his reply lan zhan and Lan ying look to each other.

There are really many things that change since they are back from the past. And now they don't have any idea on what to do.

"Baba are we going down now?" Lan wuxian ask. Xie lian just nod at him.

"But baba how about our kids?" Lan zhan ask. He didn't like the idea of going down and leaving their sons. It hurts him just imagining of leaving their sons here.

Xie lian smiled at them knowing full well on why wangji was hesitant to leave "don't worry a-zhan you two can bring them if you want." At his reply nod at his baba happily.

And now they are currently in the puqi shrine. They have decided to stay here to make their sons safe. But for now they need to set up a strong barrier around the puqi village just incase something unexpected happen.

~Someones pov~

"Sect leader I already got what you need. But I cant tame it fully." A man wearing a black robe said.

"Just keep on doing it until it submit to you."
The sect leader replied. "And also about the other things that I told you about did you already find them?"

"not yet sect leader but I and our disciples won't stop until we present them to you."

"Good you can leave now."

As the man walk away the man who is hiding behind the door came out
"Sect leader." He salute "sect leader nie has now slowly being poisoned." he reports

The sect leader nod "how about the jiangs?" He ask

"Their barrier is so strong that it can't be breach sect leader. We tried to destroy it but it wont badge."

"and the lan?"

"It is the same sect leader."

"YOU ARE SO USELESS!" the sect leader shouts in anger.

The disciple lowered his head in fear.


the disciple bow first before he run.

"Wei wuxian I'm gonna find you and make you mine. Just wait Lan wangji!" The sect leader talk to himself and laugh evilly.

~At the heavenly realm~

"General Tai hua and General Qi ying I want you to go accompany a-ying and a-zhan." Xie lian spoke

"What?! Tiandi why don't you choose me instead?" Mu Qing reacted.

"Yes Tiandi how about you send us instead." Fenag Xin also reacted

"No. Not you two. Its better if I go." Shi Qingxuan also insisted.

"Stop! It's better for Lang Qianqiu and Quan Yizhen to go. So what would you say?" Xie lian spoke to the three. Sigh this aunt and uncles of his son sure do love him and even spoiled him to the core.

"We will go Taindi." General Tai Hua (Lang Qianqiu) and General Qi ying (Quan yizhen) spoke in chorus.

"Good you can depart now. And you three stop with your pouting and go do your works."

The five gods bowed their head before they depart from there.

Wei Ying x Lan Zhan Time Travel (SLOW UPDATE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora