❤️ be mine?

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The day i dreaded the most was coming valentines day, why do i hate it so much? Cause i always witness people getting asked to be someones valentine or their significant other just giving them gifts and couples

I would always just have to witness it and nobody would ever ask me to be there valentine and I just hated it

And I couldn't even stay at home because of school and now it was time go to sleep and get ready for the day I dread most

*The next day because I lost motivation*

"y/n wake up it's time for school!" your mom yelled

"just give five more minutes mom" you groaned as you pulled the sheets over your head

"no excuses y/n get ready for school" your mom said as she opened the blinds

"alright,alright mum can you please leave now so I can get ready?" you asked as she was leaving

You groaned in annoyance as you remembered what day it was valentine's day and you were just mentally preparing yourself

You just did your normal routine like brushing your teeth,taking a bath,making your hair and picking what you'll wear

(Btw this was what you were wearing)

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You took your bag and left for school trying to ignore all the couple's as you were walking to school

Once you arrived at school, your friend f/n put a hand on your shoulder causing you to jump a little because of her sudden action

"Gosh f/n/n (friend nickname) stop scaring me like that!" you said while she laughed

"well sorry y/n that I can't control if you get scared or not" she said while you were trying to catch your breath

"oh and also hyunjin is coming your way,he probably has a suprise for you" she said while winking and walking away

"wait what- WAIT DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE YOU A$$HOLE" you said while she was running away and you felt a fimiliar hand on your shoulder

"hey y/n/n how are you?" it was hyunjin your best friend who was also your crush

"oh uh hey hyunjin I'm fine what about you?" you said while trying your best not to stutter

"I'm fine aswell also can you meet after school in the cafe nearby,i have something to say" "well can't you say it here?" he said as you asked the question

"well not really since it's kinda personal" he said scratching the back of his neck you just made an O kind of expression

Then the bell rang "well there's the bell see you after school then" you said while leaving him alone

"There goes the person I love the most" hyunjin thought to himself

*After school*

You were in the cafe waiting for hyunjin, while waiting for him to com you had ordered two pieces of cheesecake one for you and for hyunjin

The food had arrived and also hyunjin as you were eating the food hyunjin broke the silence and said "y/n you do know the reason why I told you to come here is to tell you something"

You nodded your head as your mouth was too full to say anything "well i just wanted to ask you this question that I have wanted to ask for a full month" he said and held your hand

"is he going to ask me to be his- no he can't he doesn't see me as anything more then a friend" you thought as he was trying to get the question out of his chest

" y/n l/n will you be my girlfriend?" he asked the question looking down at his lap waiting for your answer

"hyunjin... YES I've been waiting so long for you to ask this" you said while trying to hold your tears in the best you can

His eyes widened at the response and a smile appeared on his lips, he took your hand and kissed it "And this is a gift for you" as he put a ring in your finger

"Thank you Hyun it's gorgeous" you said while admiring the ring "More gorgeous then me?" he asked making you chuckle "Of course not more gorgeous the you" you said causing him to smile,you admired his cute smile thinking that how foolish you were to not recognize his signs

"so when do you wanna have our first date?" he asked " how about tomorrow if that's fine with you?" you asked " fine with me also be ready because I'm taking you out" he said "wait,but where?" you questioned "that sweetheart is a suprise be ready tomorrow at 10 pm I'll pick you up" he said you replied with an "ok"

He was yours now and you were his, you didn't have to be jealous whenever he was talking to other girls now, your whole life seemed to be completed,you didn't have to worry about anyone stealing him from you


This was a long chapter to write but hope y'all enjoyed reading it cause i enjoy writing these but again i understand if you don't like it and all but yea now imma go to bed so peace out

Word count: 885

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