interview for a new job.

136 5 5

~y/n pov~:

This is the place. The place were nightmares become reality. Where nobody is said to see or feel freedom or an ounce of sanity after stepping foot inside. But here I am. Applying for a job here. I hope nothing bad goes wrong I genuinely do. I heard terrible things about this place no human would be able to endure for long without cracking and faltering under the sheer intensity of what happens in here but it should be worth it right? It has a decent pay and I've worked with science before so I should be able to handle it without it going wrong.

*y/n walks through the halls and corridors of the cold, dark energy sucking factory which seemed to go on for miles without end trying to find the receptionist*

Random worker: Are you lost? Do you require any assistance whatsoever?

*the worker's voice sounded devoid of any emotions as if artificially programmed without them which was unsettling to say the least*

Y/n: uhm yes actually do you know where the receptionist is?

*y/n responded to the worker in a sheepish manner slightly weirder out already by the manners and demeanour displayed by the workers here*

Random worker: follow me, I will lead you to where you need to be.

Y/n: Thank you so much

Random worker: ....follow

*y/n follows the Random worker to the front desk getting slightly more unerved with each step until they eventually get to the front desk by the time y/n turns to Thank the worker the worker has vanished from sight yet y/n feels like they are being watched from afar like an egle eyeballing it's prey that sort of a ominous feeling*

Receptionist: greetings, you must be y/n correct?

Y/n: yes ma'am that would be me.

Receptionist: hmm. Pleasant to meet you. I see you have a scheduled interview with Mr Darling today at 9:30am correct?

Y/n: yes that's right I'm here for a job interview

*the receptionists eyes widen with concern and slight worry which are the most emotions they say anyone display so far since walking into the factory*

Receptionist: I do hope everything goes well...Mr Darling can be quite intimidating, cold and stoic at first to say the least so I do hope all goes well...

Y/n: Thank you ma'am but is there anything I need to know before the interview?

Receptionist: don't speak out of line and most certainly do not make any unnecessary noise if you wish to have your vocal chord and voice box intact by the end of this meeting...

Y/n: that's highly disturbing but I'll take your word for it...

Y/n's thoughts: damnit I could be killed?! I didn't even get the job yet!

*the receptionist gets a call and picks up*

Receptionist: hello, front desk Andrea Simpkins speaking who may this be?


Receptionist: Ah hello Mr Darling, yes they are here right of this moment


Receptionist: oh alright, I'll send them in now...Bye sir

*the receptionist hangs up*

Y/n: ???

Receptionist: That was Mr Darling he will see you now...

Y/n: that's good do you think you could show me the way to his office?

tears of a rainbow 🌈Rf wally x y/n🌈Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon