The Beginning Of Chaos

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On the morning of a rainy day in Hogwarts, a group of 4 boys of 17 called the Marauders,sat in the Gryffindor table preparing for a prank. There names were James Fleamont Potter,Sirius Orion Black,Remus John Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.Beside them sat Lily Evans looking at her best friend,Marlene Mckinnin's, drawing in awe.

At the Slytherin table sat Regulus Arcturus Black with his best friends Barty, Evan and Pandora talking in low voices. Even though Pandora was in Ravenclaw she sat with them.

Abel Diggory a friend of theirs and a slytherin,the first one in the diggory family, handed them the Quidditch match schedule.He was a beater,while Barty and Evan were chasers. Meanwhile, Regulus was the seeker of the house.

Abel sitting down with them was quite worried.

"You ok, Abel?" "Yes....?" came the unsure reply.

The other 4 looked suspiciously at him. He sighed, "Father ordered me to come to the Diggory mansionfor the holidays."  As a slytherin,his parents were shocked of hearing the news. He had immediately distanced himself from them and his older brother, Amos. As a slytherin, he knew rejection all too well. And now he was asked to come back.

"Come on, Abel, suffer a week,then runaway," Reg flinched, "and come to my house."

"Gee,thanks. Last I needed is a certain Bartieumus Crouch sr bringing me back to my parents."

"Don't mop around. Reg is getting married to Sia Crawcorw."

Reg banged his head to the table. "That stupid girl. How I survived a day with her without killing myself is what i am so shocked about."

"Ugh. Where is she by the way?"

"With my parents. And by the way,yes, it is true that Esther is married to the Dark Lord." Reg imformed them.

"Poor girl."Pandora said. "She's older than you." Evan interjected. "Poor lady, then." Barty responded cheekily.

Reg rolled his eyes in amusement.

Meanwhile in the Gryffindor table, James and Sirius noticed foams coming from the mirror that was attached to the wall behind the staff's dining area.


Everyone glanced at the mirror as the foams swirled to reveal a dark-haried, beautiful lady. All purebloods from the different houses, knelt down.

"Lady Hecate."

(Hope you liked. Also you can give suggestion to improve the story.)

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