Chapter 2: The Long Night

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I sat up instantly and ripped off my blindfold. My heart was racing faster than Vin Deasil in those weird street racing movies.

I turned my head around frantically searching every inch of my room. It was dark but my eyes were starting to adjust.

I didn't see anyone. Not any of my sisters, or my brother. Just Tonya, and obviously she can't talk. But someone, or something called my name.

I didn't know what to do, I was so scared. I just sat in my bed for a few moments. I couldn't lay back down and go to sleep, and I couldn't, will my body to get out of bed. So I just sat there, for what was perhaps ten minutes. Just waiting, with pure anxiety and fear for something to happen.

But nothing did. My room stayed quiet, and empty.

The only sound was the faint snoring of one of my siblings. Probably Lincoln, he snores the loudest though he won't admit it. Or maybe Lynn.

All I could think was, Someone is in my room, someone is in my room.

My heart raced faster and my chest felt like it was burning.

This is real, this is real and I have to deal with it. What do I do? What do I do?

My first thought was to call out for mom and dad. But as hard as I tried, I couldn't even force a single sound from my lips.

Sharp angled shadows crept up my walls like crooked talons reaching out ready to engulf me in darkness, never to be seen again.

It's just my imagination. Wait was that movement? No I... I don't think so.

I noticed my bedroom door was open. I know, it was closed before I went to bed.

Maybe one of my siblings did come in here, but decided to just go back to their room? Maybe it just sounded weird.

I got up and slowly moved out into the hallway. It was dark and quiet. The only sound was the occasional snore. Usually when one of my sisters comes into my room after a nightmare it tends to be Lana.

"Lana?" I whispered. Peaking my head into the twin's room.

"Lana, are you awake?" I asked.

"Leni?" Lana's twin Lola moaned. "What's going on?"

"I just want to know if Lana came into my room." I whispered. "Lana? Lana!"

"Muh, what?" Lana asked.

"Did you come into my room?" I asked.

"No of course not." Lana said.

"Ugh, why do you care?" Lola asked.

"Well, I thought maybe she had a nightmare." I explained.

"What?" Lola said, getting confused and agitated. "Why would you think she had a nightmare? Did you really interrupt my beauty sleep just because Lana might have had a nightmare."

"I heard someone in my room!" I shot back.

Lola was taken aback by this.

"You probably had a nightmare." Lola said. "Lana and I have been in this room all night."

I backed away and closed the door.

Part of me knew Lola was right. I was probably just starting to dream as I fell asleep. I knew I should just go to bed and forget about it. But I just had to be sure.

"Leni, could you come down here for a moment." My mom's voice came from downstairs.

"Mom?" I looked down the stairs. It was dark, not a single light was on.

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