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Sienna's Pov :

"Hey pretty lady, this is my seat, if you excuse me ?" He said signaling me to get up.
i thought I've seen him before but the memory was kinda faded so I didn't give it that much thought. He definitely looked some typa smug guy...ish? or a gang member or someone involved in.... fighti- FIGHTING that explains his buff figure. I'm at a boxing match after all. Anyways, though I had a lot to discuss with myself about his appearance, I had to face him with the bullshit he's blabbering.

"I think you're mistaken, this is surely my seat." i snapped back, shooting an eyebrow up.

"You are wasting my time , just get your ass up from my seat and find another seat for yourself, don't you know that these seats are for fighters, and you...surely don't look like one. " he said wearing the dirtiest smirk at that final part. well he was right in a way, I have no sense of violence nor defense, and my body... well I'm curvy alright, but my muscles oh hell they some exercise.

"What was the last part for? You're smugier than you look. Anyways, don't lie, my best friend got me this ticket and she is a fighter too ." I said.

"Who the fuck is your almighty bestfriend?" He said sarcastically.

"Betty Anderson" i said. raising my eyebrows up and taking a smutty smile.

"Ohhh! Bettss, didn't know she has such pretty friends, figures... she's not bad herself " he said scratching his jaw.

"What is wrong Sienna? " i heard a familiar voice from my side

It was Betty.

"Betty are these seats for fighters?" i asked.

" Oh, Hi Jayden " she said.

That Jayden from that fight. I thought I've seen him before. He looked much better shirtless... that's when I figured I had to stop looking at him, or else I my imagination with completely take me to a whooolee new universe.

"You've done well baby" he said, placing his hand on her shoulder, They then hugged after that, and he patted her shoulder. "Now tell me, Betty, is this his seat ? Since when did you have a boyfriend? no, since when were we keeping things." I said blabbering all the words as fast as I can.

"Oh im sorry about the seat, but i couldn't afford you a ticket, so i made you sit at mine.But, i guess there was an error in printing the tickets making two tickets with the same seat number. It's okay, Jayden, we'll leave so you can take the seat all to yourself." She said smiling at him, and guiding me away from him.

"We'll talk about it later, Sienna," she whispered .

I stopped walking with Betty going back to grab my purse, and walked back to her, until a hand gripped my arm firmly making me stop in my ground and look back at him. I stared at him and back at his hand. The grasp was so firm, it actually hurts.

"Oh poor you, you won't have the seat all to yourself ." He said, mocking me with a smirk on his face. He tightened the grip before pulling away softly. I moved my face to the side and scratched my neck, in confusion.

I looked back at him. Ugh, why would such good looks have to go to waste with his shitty personality.

"You know what Betts , i kinda like it here, we can just postpone the dinner, let's stay here and you," I shot a nasty look to Jayden. "Go find yourself a seat 'cause it's me who's sitting on this one, the 34th " i said as put down my purse and then followed by sitting . I didn't want the seat to actually stay here i just wanted to tease that fucker, and put him in his place.

"SIENNA," Betty shouted . She was disappointed in my actions, but i dont care he was already getting on my nerves .

" Dont worry Betts it's okay , im used to naughty girls," he said .

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