"Catch ya later Ayanokouji, I will be late."

These were the regular happenings of my cafe. A few moments of normalcy quenched my thirst for freedom.


Classes were back in full after a few days, it seems the principal considered it to be essential to get everything back on track.

The incessant chatter of the students in the background buzzed up as I walked into the classroom. The odd sense of fresh air I felt was different from the stuffy room I currently reside in.

I started walking towards my seat where I noticed odd stares permeating me. Especially ones from Jiro and Izuku.

"Ayanokouji-san, a-are you okay? I couldn't even c-contact you during the holidays! I completely forgot to take your c-contact info!" His hyperactive words mixed in with his regular stuttering reminded me of his oddities.

"Yah man same here. Give it over" Jiro piped in as Momo, Jiro and Kaminari were chatting together today for some reason. It seems she overheard Izuku

"Good morning to you Izuku and Jiro. Unfortunately, I don't own a phone at the moment." I said which immediately got strange reactions from my fellow classmates.

"Wait a sec bruh! No phone? Like seriously? You sound like my dead gran-" A hit to the foot by Jiro silenced him as he quietly screamed,"Ow...."

"You could have just said no man." Jiro grumbled as she perhaps didn't believe me. Quite unfortunate but her distance has definitely increased since the slap. It seems it has soured the trust she had in me to some extent. I remember reading

'A slap can be a fullstop, a question mark, or a period; but when it’s between friends, it’s an exclamation mark that leaves everything unsaid.'

However, pointing it out would be unwise so I let the comment slide. Momo's eyes hovered over us as she tried to cut the awkward air, "Hmm well were you called in for Interview Ayanokouji? We all were except you because well..." She left it unsaid that I took the longest to heal compared to her classmates. Rather to be accurate, having a quirk of any kind hastened stamina recovery by a significant amount. This research was done a few years back by the famous David Sheild himself. How did I know this individual, unlike the famous pro heroes? Quite simply, he is one of the few influential people who are connected to my being.

"Hm yes, the interview was a thorough one to say the least but managable." My voice was a flat one so it didn't show the annoyance that someone would feel.

"Man, you have to join the class group once you get a phone. The group chat was especially worried about ya. Even now, most of us were about to bombard you with questions but Shoji dude just said to chill out and ask ya later." Kirishima said as he put his arm around Kaminari and spoke to me in a bright smile. He definately is overtly open, not a very bad thing but not good either.

I looked over at Shoji who apparently saved me from answering too much and simply nodded at me with a kind smile.

I nodded back and sat in my seat. A while later the sound of a bandanged sloth entered the class.

"Quiet down."

Everyone was shocked to see Aizawa ready to teach after the previous injuries he had recently.

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