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- The Twins -

Names: Rose & Rocky

Gender: Rose is a girl and Rocky is a boy

- Looks -



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- Personalities -

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- Personalities -

Rose: She is a sweet, gentle, and optimistic calf. She loves flowers and is a pacifist like her adoptive father, Ferdinand. She also loves to sing and dance.

Rocky: Rocky is an adventurous, mischievous, and smart calf, that is protective of his family. He also loves to sing and dance with his sister.

Their family: Unknown birth parents ( Status unknown/believe to be deceased ), Ferdinand ( Adoptive father ), Raf ( Adoptive grandfather/deceased ), Paco ( Adoptive Dog Uncle ), Bones, Valiente, Guapo, Angus, Maquina, Lupe ( future adoptive bull uncles and goat aunt ), Betty ( Future adoptive mother )

Backstory: Where they came from is completely unknown, but they were found abandoned outside the fence of the farm during a thunderstorm when they were really little. Ferdinand heard their cries and quickly led Juan and Nina to them. Ferdinand quickly became attached to them and took them both in as his own.

Rose's head cannon voice: Hazel From Infinity Train

Rocky's Head cannon voice: Cub Simba from Lion King

- Casa del Toro's only cow -

Name: Betty

Gender: female

Age: ( she's the same age as Ferdinand )


Personality: She's a sassy and smart cow, who is dislikes fighting as a whole

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Personality: She's a sassy and smart cow, who is dislikes fighting as a whole. She's also kind and selfless, as she quickly became attached to the twins. She also loves flowers and singing.

Love interest: Ferdinand

Head cannon voice: Shira from Ice Age

Fun Fact: She was mysteriously abandoned at Casa del Toro as a calf sometime after Ferdinand left. She acts like it doesn't affect her, but it does.

That's it for the bios, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think about Betty and the twins.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

Twin Calves' adventure ( A Ferdinand Fanfic )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant