Chapter 5: New Queen?

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            {Just a quick disclaimer; there will be some small spoilers in this chapter.]

"Yay!" Delta exclaimed "Hunting with boss! Delta is so excited!" "Uh huh" Cid said. He didn't even know why she wanted him to come with her since she kills everything without me. Cid shook his head and followed her. He knew that it was pointless to try and talk her out of it since he promised her, and even if he didn't Delta was going to be in a foul mood and start biting up the furniture at Mitsugoshi. What he was more worried about was what Claire is doing back at base. He figured she threatened everyone to stay away from him.

Back at base, during practice Claire was getting used to her new slime uniform. "Who knew my brother was smart enough to make things as useful as this?" "I know right? Claire's squad member 672 said. "Isn't Lord Shadow amazing?" It annoyed Claire how much girls were obsessed with her brother. "I think I got the hang of this thing now" Claire said forming her slime suit that perfectly fits her. "Wow as expected of Lord Shadow's sister to learn to master to slime suit in less than an hour of joining!" "It's pretty easy," Claire said casually "The fastest it took someone to learn to use the suit was a day and a half!" 672 Said surprised. "Hmm" Claire said solemnly. I'm quite impressive. she thought to herself.

After training a bit lunch break had started, people started going to the cafeteria. Claire looked at the menu. Everything there was food she had never seen before. "What are all of these foods?" She asked her squad members. "You're telling me Lord Shadow never shared any of these foods with you?" 672 asked slightly surprised. Claire shook her head. 672 smiled and said, "Well then, let's order everything! I'll show you the best of the cafeteria's menu!"

Claire tried this food called sushi which looked especially weird to her. "It's good." She said surprised. That boy knew all these great dishes and he never offered me any! She thought to herself. I'm definitely going to give him a piece of my mind when i see him.

Claire looked up and realized everyone was gawping at her. "Why is everyone staring at me?" She asked her squad members. "You are Lord Shadow's older sister." 673 answered. "Is there anything you would like Ms. Claire?" asked a random member. "Would you like a massage?" asked another. Claire shook her head, realizing the extent of her brother's influence. "No, that won't be necessary," she said. "What was Lord Shadow like as a child?" That question was asked by a majority of members. This annoyed Claire that so much people were flocking all over her because of her brother. Claire was not in the mood to answer, so she turned around and said "Stop annoying me" in a slightly angry tone. This settled them down, but they didn't stop staring.

Claire decided to ignore the stares. Hey, are you really who i think you are said a voice Claire thought she heard before. "I thought i said st-" When Claire looked up the person who was standing there was Princess Rose. "Rose!" She asked obviously shocked. "I go by 666 now" She replied. "Aren't you Cid's sister? What are you doing here?" "It's a long story" Claire said "But more importantly why are you here?" "Also a long story" Rose smiled a bit "We've got some time left so we can tell each other before break ends" They told each other their stories of how they got there. "C-Cid is Shadow!?" Rose said surprised and quietly when she heard Claire's story. So then it was Cid that saved her from possession and gave her power.

After lunch break ended Rose had a lot on her mind. When training started back up they had mock battles with each other. Claire was only spectating since she had just joined. She saw this one member fighting very skillfully and Claire was kind of amazed. "That's 559." 673 said noticing her staring. "She is said to have strength that rivals the seven shades." "The seven shades?" Claire asked "They are the top 7 members of shadow garden" 673 said responding to her confusion. "They were given power from Lord Shadow himself, the only other members that got power from him were 666 and 559." So Cid can give power to people? Claire thought to herself. Just how strong was my brother all this time?

559 noticed Claire was staring at her so she ended her battle quickly and came over. "So you must be Lord Shadow's big sister huh?" 559 said to her. "I can hardly believe someone as weak as yourself can be anywhere related to Lord Shadow." "What?" Claire asked in an angry tone. "What do you know about my cute little brother." "I know enough to say that you pale in comparison to him." 559 said in a mocking voice. Claire stepped just inches away from her with the angriest glare you could see from her. "What are you going to do miss damsel in distress" 559 continued. "That's enough 559" it was Alpha who seems to have appeared out of nowhere. "Claire, Lord Shadow wishes to see you."

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