Chapter 1 - Fumiko Tanaka...

Start from the beginning

Salvatore looked in direction of the bar, but he couldn't see Fumiko.

Two guards had been touched and were bleeding. A woman with a very short dress and high heels fell on the ground while running and people walked on her without remorse. Even in that panic ambiance, Salvatore stayed calm. He immediately called his son for back-up. He looked once again at the bar, and he saw an Asian man pointing a gun toward the floor.

Salvatore didn't hesitate a second and stood up from his safe position and shoot the guy. There was another men near the entry door that ran away, understanding that things were not going well for them.

Salvatore ran toward the bar, and he discovered Fumiko laying on the floor, blood coming out of her abdomen.

Salvatore Smith: Fu**... no no no... Fumiko, listen to me, don't close your eyes, listen to my voice... it's going to be okay...

Salvatore put his hands on the injury. He yelled at a male staff to call for an ambulance. The man was trembling but managed to call.

Things were less chaotic now in the club. All the clients in state to leave were gone. Zhang had given orders to help the injured and to find who dared to attack that place while he was there.

Zhang: Smith, are you alright?

Salvatore Smith: Yes. (His tone was cold.) When that fuc*** ambulance will arrive?

Minutes seemed hours for Salvatore. He was talking nonstop to maintain Fumiko conscious and she was babbling, pointing at her bag, under the counter.

Salvatore Smith: In few minutes, you will be in the hospital with the best doctors of the city, so stay calm, everything is going to be okay.

Fumiko Tanaka: Sal... Salvatore... (She coughed blood.)... please... Suki... my Suki...

Salvatore Smith: Suki?

Fumiko Tanaka: Please... protect... alone... our...

Fumiko closed her eyes few seconds and Salvatore patted her cheeks to keep her conscious. There was no music playing now in the club. Salvatore heard the sound of the rescue vehicles approaching. He turned his head to look at the entry door and he saw his two eldest sons and 6 of his men entering.   

Gabriel: Father, are you hurt somewhere? What happened?

Salvatore Smith: No, I'm fine. Some men attacked the club.

Dante: We should go, it will be noisy in few minutes between the cops and reporters.

Salvatore Smith: No, I need to take her to the hospital.

Dante: Why do you care, she is only a waitress! Let's go!

Salvatore Smith: No, not before I am sure that she is okay. Gabriel, look under the counter, there must be her bag.

Dante rolled his eyes; he didn't understand his father's interest for that woman. Gabriel didn't talk back and looked for the bag. 

Less than a minute after, several medics entered. Dante was on alert. Salvatore let two of them provide first aid to Fumiko.

Gabrielhad found the bag, and he was already checking inside. He grabbed her wallet.He had her ID card and her phone. He approached his father who was looking atthat woman with worried.

Gabriel: Father, what do you want to know about that woman?

Salvatore Smith: I don't know, she was pointing at her bag, babbling inaudible words. Check if she has photos of her family or an emergency contact in her phone.

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