Henry Percy's last meeting

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Henry Percy knew what was about to happen. His fear was increasing as the moon began to shine brighter and brighter in the sky. The worst moment in his life was about to happen. After this night, he would never be who he was before.

- Have you been waiting for long, your Grace? – inquired a voice behind him.

Henry turned around to watch her in the eyes. Anne Boleyn was the most beautiful woman in England, no, in the whole world. Her black hair flew while the wind caressed her beautiful face. Henry could only watch her in that dark eyes of hers that seemed to shine with a dangerous and magnificent fire.

- No, I have not. Do not worry, dear Anne – answered Henry.

Anne's face suddenly became sadder. Calling her "dear" was a bad idea after all. Their engagement was over. There was no reason to see each other any more.

- I wanted to return you this – announced Anne, while taking off her engagement ring -. Give it to another person. Someone you can love and that can love you back.

Henry felt like he was being hit by a horse carriage. Anne had said many times that she loved him. She was the person he could love and be loved back, no one else, no Mary Talbot, just Anne.

- You loved me and I loved you – began to explain Henry – so, can you keep it, at least as a gift and not as an engagement ring?

Anne looked like she was trying very hard to look composed, but her mask was quickly being destroyed.

- No, I cannot, Henry. I will not be able to see it without thinking about my love for you – responded Anne.

- Then, don't stop thinking about it! Anne, I don't care if the king allows us to marry or not, you will always be the woman whom I love.

Anne put the ring in Henry's hand without consent and looked him with her eyes full of tears.

- We are not allowed, Henry – tried explaining Anne -. I am not allowed. I am knowledgeable that the king broke our engagement because he desired me. He will not allow me to marry and love anyone.

Henry already suspected that, but didn't want to accept it. He feared the truth, but Anne had always loved to say the truth he didn't wanted to hear at his face.

- This is goodbye, then? – asked Henry -. I will not be able...

Before he could finish his oration, Anne grabbed him and joined his lips in the first and last kiss they would ever get.

Anne always prohibited Henry to kiss her, she said that they should wait until they got married, but Henry was sure that that was because she thought that there would be an actual marriage.

- Goodbye – muttered Anne – I will always love you, no matter what.

Anne began to leave, and the wind went stronger. Her looks under the moon made her look like a perfect combination between Athena and Aphrodite, and Henry had to watch that perfect combination leave.

- Goodbye, Anne – he murmured to the wind as a single tear fell off his eye.

Goodbye forever, Anne. The only woman I truly loved.



Well, what did you think of it? This is the first chapter!

I do not know if there was a secret meeting between Henry Percy and Anne Boleyn and I also don't know if they weren't allowed to marry because of how the king wanted Anne, but, as I said, I'm just making this as historically correct as I can.

Enjoy the (hi)story!

- Sipersa.

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