Wanda: I opened the door and saw Rogers stand there. "Hey I found something for natasha." I stepped up all the to the side and he walked over to her.

Nat: "I busy." I mumbled as I kept stroking the kittens. "it's from bucky. I was going through his stuff and I found this it has your name on it." I left my headspace and stood up and took it. "you can't just go through his stuff without his permission." I  sighed throwing the book on the table.

Steve: "I had to I needed to sort through stuff to throw out." Natasha looked at me horrified. "You can't throw away his stuff! He needs it!" I sigh not wanting to upset her but I couldn't play along with it any longer. "he doesn't need 12 packs of skittles Nat. He's been gone for 5 years they're expired. And he's not coming back anymore we've tried."

Nat: "skittles are his favourite! He is coming back and I don't care what you say. He wouldn't give up on you if it was the other way around." Steve shook his head. "He's gone and we need to accept it and move on. He would want you to." Tears fill my eyes, I wasn't giving up, I just couldn't. "you don't know what he wants! You're not him!" I yell and Steve sighs, "I know I'm not and I'm not trying to be."

"No you're just trying to throw him away like he doesn't matter. You promised him you'd be with him till the end of the line and he believed you." I watched as Steve pulled out another identical notebook from his back pocket.  "Steve is my best friend in the world." A tear rolled down his cheek as he read out the first page. "He never gave up on me, even when he probably should have. He never gave up on anyone who needed help." He tucked the book back in his pocket, "do you know how hard it is for me to read that knowing there's nothing else I can do? I really want to try Nat but I can't think of anything else."

"you can't give up, you just can't." I say as tears fall down my cheeks. Steve comes in for a while until later he gets a call. Everyone was asleep except Steve, wanda and natasha. "guys there's a meeting... They think we found a way to fix all this. This guy, Scott lang thinks he has an idea. The three waste no time in leaving. Wanda knew Y/n wouldn't let them go if they had any clue as to what they were doing because y/n didn't want to give Nat any more false hope so she decided to let them sleep. At least until they knew more about this idea Scott had.


"Because he killed all our friends." The group heard Rhodey say as they walked into the compound. "If you're talking about thanos we agreed they aren't dead they're just gone." Steve replied with a hint of anger, his best friend wasn't dead. None of them were, he refused to believe it was possible.

"He's still got the stones." Rhodey shrugged, "So, we take them. And we use them to bring everybody back." Carol suggested.

"If there's even the smallest chance we can undo this, then we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try." Natasha insisted walking out from behind Wanda who tried to pull her back. "Tony, Fury, y/n, Peter, Sam... Bucky. We owe it to all of them."

"If we do this...why would it end any differently than it did before? We have less people, it's practically impossible." Bruce sighed, "when has that stopped us from trying before?" Natasha asked making Steve smile "Let's go get that son of a bitch."

"Not you." Wanda groaned pulling natasha close to her. "Wanda come on... i wanna kill the son of a bitch." Natasha said with a smirk, Wanda spun her around. "What did you just say?" She asked tilting her head. "Nothing." The russian replied rolling her eyes. "Watch it." The witch warned, lifting her chin. "I don't care if your big or not, you need to stop with the attitude or you're going in timeout."

"Whatever." She groaned rolling her eyes again before leaving the room with Steve. "You should stop it before you get in trouble."

"Okay dad." Nat said sarcastically, "cut it out Natasha. We all know what you are doing. You might be a trained assa..." he paused knowing she hates hearing that. "Spy." He corrects with an apologetic smile. "But we can still understand you, especially how you act strong and defensive when you are nervous about something, especially a mission. But we are going to protect you, nothing bad is going to happen to you."

"You can't promise that." Nat mumbled avoiding his eyes, "yes I can. Because our Natasha is the strongest girl in the world. Plus if I let anything happen to you I wouldnt be a very good uncle. And I promised Bucky I would look after you."

"I promised him I'd look after you too." Natasha added quietly. "So we will protect each other. And when we get back we can have a peanut butter jelly sandwich together how about that?" Natasha nodded giving him a hug. "Okay now go say sorry to Wanda and let's finish up this meeting."

"There is no way she is going! I already lost y/n once I won't lose Nat too. It is too dangerous."

"She is with you Wanda, you can keep an eye on her, she will be okay."

"I'm going." Natasha said firmly. "The world needs us and we need as much help as we can get. They need us and we are gonna bring them all back."

"Have I ever told you that you are way too stubborn?" Wanda said with a light chuckle but anyone could see the tears she was holding back. "Once or twice." Natasha replied running into her arms. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Wanda asked kissing her head. "I'm sure mommy."


"Okay, we have a plan. Six stones,
three teams, one shot. Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. But today we have a chance to take
it all back."

"He's good at this." Rocket interupted earning a couple of nods.

"Okay, we will go over this one last time, RHODEY & NEBULA, NAT
& WANDA, THOR & ROCKET, STEVE & SCOTT. Those are our teams, those are the people we protect, look out for each other and get those stones. Whatever it takes."

"See you in a minute." Natasha replied with a small smirk, Steve gave a small smile back.

It's starting vormir next chapter. YAY! Who's excited?! I know I am.

Everyone get ready to say bye bye 😉

Safe with meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang