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The mysterious man could not stay away from her mind. "I need you" she recalled him saying that the previous day. She was still confused and did not understand a thing. It's not everyday that you get a man telling you that you are meant to be their wide. Through out the day, she tried to push man to the back of her mind but he remained present.

"Yeah as I was saying, Dr Mohamed just needs  a slap nje-" Asemahle stops talking when she sees that Sne is not listening, she is just staring into space. "Ayibo, Earth to Snethemba"  She waves her hand infront of Sne's face, hoping to get her attention. "Oh I'm sorry I just" Sne tried to explain as soon as she snapped out of it. "What's going on Sne, ever since yesterday you have been distant, as if you are in another planet" she says. Snethemba just tells her everything, from meeting the man to him telling her that she is meant to be his wife. "Heebana! Sne are you sure that he was not playing or tricking you?" Asked Asemahle once Sne finshied explaining the events of yesterday. "And about that electric spark- are you sure that you are not delulu?" Says Asemahle. " I don't know.. but it just felt so right and yoh I can't explain.. and that electric spark was definitely real. He felt it too"

Before Snethemba knocked off, she recieved a call. "Snethemba Bhengu, how may I help you?" She said as soon as she answered. "Sne.. can I see you?" Said a voice she had somehow managed to memorise- it was the mysterious man.. her heart started beating twice as fast as she thought about him and what had happened. "Hello? Usekhona?"(are you still there)  "yeah erm.. where?" Sne asked once she calmed herself down. "Nandos, 5pm? Can you manage?" He says, his husky voice sounding nervous for the first time. "Yeah, I'll be there" she replied. She didn't have anything to do anyway, and she wanted to find out more about the mysterious man. "I'll see you then" he said, hanging up after.
She felt very nervous but also excited at the same time.

"Chommie I think that dress is fine though" says an exhausted Asemahle. Snethemba was now in her room, looking for the perfect dress to wear. "You don't understand, Asemahle. This meeting is very important for me. I have to look good" Snethemba replies, digging in her closet.
Asemahle throws herself onto Snethemba's neatly made bed and sighs loudly. "It's not like you are meeting the President or something" she mumbled under her breath. "What about this dress?" Asks Snethemba, showing Asemahle a yellow body hugging strapless dress that was knee long and had a small slit. "Yes, definitely. Pair that with your denim jacket and Jordans" Asemhale replied.
It was now 4:55pm and Snethemba was ready. She was wearing the yellow dress, denim jacket and black Jordans which she stole from Asemahle. "Girl let's go already" Snethemba says. Asemahle had a white Yaris which had been bought by her parents for her 21rst birthday. Snethemba could drive but she was still saving for a car. "Alright girl, let's go" Asemahle says, coming out of the bedroom. She was wearing a black jean with a pink crop-top and a denim jacket. On her feet she was wearing red Jordans. They all looked beautiful and were ready to rock the night. Asemahle would be drop off Snethemba then join her own boyfriend at a club.
"Bye chommie! Call if things go south!" Screams Asemahle as Snethemba walks towards the restaurant. Snethemba turns around and waves goodbye to her best friend. She took a deep breath before walking into Nandos.

She spotted him sitting alone at a corner, sipping water. He looked handsome as always, wearing black pants and a white t-shirt. He was also wearing black Jordans, twinny!
He stood up as soon as he saw her approaching. She looked amazing in her yellow dress that showed all her curves. It made her look hot, but in a respectful manner which made it even better. Her face was natural but she had put on some lipgloss and did mascara- definitely his type. Her Afro was put up in a bun and she had done some baby-hair. She looked gorgeous. "MaBhengu" he says as soon as she reaches him. "Hey" she says shy. He reaches out and hugs her. She smelt like candyfloss and strawberries mixed together- so sweet. They stop hugging and sit down at the table. "Unjani" he asks. "Ngiyaphila, wena?" She replies, taking a slip of the appetiser that she had ordered a few minutes ago. "I'm good too. I guess I talk about it now" he said. "So first of all, my name is Nkosiyabo Zulu"

He explained everything to her but obviously not that he was going to be the next king in line. He couldn't possibly tell her. She would probably run away from him like all the other girls

It's 8pm now and Nkosiyabo was now driving her home. Their first date was a success. He found himself falling even more in love with her. "This is me" says Snethemba as they reach the Bonamix flat building. "Oh, alright" he says, moving closer to the entrance of the building. "I guess I have to go now" Snethemba says. She had actually enjoyed being with him. It was as if time just stopped and it was just the two of them. She sighs and opens the car door, letting me the chilly wind of winter.  "Wait.. Snethemba" he says at the last moment. Snethemba looks at him then he leans in. He kisses her with a very passionately and it lasts a very long time. Snethemba lets out a soft moan as his hands travel around her body. He puts back after a few minutes and Snethemba is left gasping for air.


"Haybo sis, why are you so late today?" Asks Nandipha as soon as she sees her sister attempt to sneak into the flat. "Hawu Nandi it's not that late" Snethemba says. "Mmh okay" says Nandi, giving her a side eye after that. Sne chuckles then walks back up to her room, closing the door behind her.

"Bitchhhhh!" Says Snethemba as soon as Asemahle answers the call. "What happened girl?!!" She replies in the same excited energy. "Spill ntombazane!"(ntombazane-girl) Asemahle says impatiently.


How was chapter 2? Comment all you thoughts, I do reply❤️

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