Harry-'Thank Merlin your ok'

Hedwig-'Of course i am Harry what is the matter?'

Harry-'I saw a gift under the tree and it was adressed to me and i thought it was a trap to get to you i had to ensure you were safe i couldn't i....'

Hedwig-'Wow slow down Harry as you can see i am fine and i am capable of defending myself now you said you got a gift well lets go and check it out then'

Harry was of course sceptical about this as he couldnt trust a single thing outside of Hedwig which is how he has survived for as long as he has but reluctantly goes with Hedwig to the Christmas tree with Harry using his magic to levitate the gift and floats it over to them both as the 2 of them are seated on a couch before dropping it on his lap as he grabs the tag and reads what it says

Harry-'Your father lended this too me just before he died and now i believe its time for it to be returned to its original owner use it well?'

As the 2 would look at the wrapped up package and while it was clearly a possession that once belonged to his dad Harry didnt want to open it as it felt like Taboo since neither he or Hedwig gave each other presents like these as normally it was somthing as simple as a body massage or just cuddling in bed and just relaxing and it most certainly felt wrong to Harry like he had committed a terrible sin since Hedwig hadn't received a gift even though her identity had being a complete secret which was the point it still felt wrong as it wasn't the same as a massage or cuddle it was an item a Item! No less from his own deceased Father That would now belong to Harry not Hedwig and seeing her boys hesitant and clearly upset face she would smile before leaning into him which caught Harry by surprise

Hedwig-'If this bothers you i am sure this would help'

And waving her hand over the gift it would now say that it was addressed to both Harry and Hedwig as the boy who lived looked up at his closest companion before bringing in Hedwig in an embrace which she accepts and while he knew the truth that it was only adressed to him originally this helped ease his mind

Harry-'Lets open it together'


And with that the 2 of them would begin to unwrap the box both being careful since the tag never did say who it was from other then whatever was inside once belonged to Harry's father and when the gift was unwrapped

it revealed it to be a silvery cloth or cloak with unique patterns and symbols decorating the material as Harry was confused by what this thing was so naturally he placed his hand on it planning on inspecting it closer only when his hand came into contact with the cloak that it suddenly seem to awaken from a dormant like state as the cloak would start to glow a powerful aura of Ancient Magic

the likes of which made the Ancient Magic that was flowing around Hogwarts seem pitiful as it was glowing bright and its power had Harry and Hedwig speechless but for 2 completely different reasons for Harry it was the fact that his father had a such powerful cloak which made all other magical cloaks irrelevant as if the other cloaks are cheap copies of this 1

with its power and Harry can feel it surging though him as he has never felt so much power before as for Hedwig the same power was also going into her since both she and Harry are soul bound but her reason for shock was that she Knew what she was looking at and couldn't believe the artifact from Harrys long Ancient powerful line has finally been passed down to him

ashame the other 2 relics weren't but no matter as what was important was that This cloak had finally become Harry's and she knew that he has become its master as she can see the torrent of magic flowing into him and herself which was a frilling experience before the surge of magic would finally come to a stop as Harry picked up the cloak and looked at it

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