Knighting of the Black Riding Hood

Start from the beginning

"Did you just call me stupid?..." asked Ryo

"Are you deaf?! Read my lips; fighting types are naturally DUMB! You are not supposed to win three times in a row like this!" said Natalie. After hearing that, Ryo started to shed a tear. Natalie then realized what she had done.

"'m sorry! I got carried away by anger! Don't cry Ryo!" said Natalie. But it was too late.

"*Sob*...Professor Magnus said exactly the same thing....This is probably why I will never get accepted at the university of Aeterna...*sob*" said Ryo as he continued to cry.

'Oh my god, he looks so cute when he is crying. But I can't just leave him crying like this...' thought Natalie.

"There, there Ryo...Don't cry...Please forgive me...I did not think before I talked...I'm very sorry....Will you forgive me?" asked Natalie.

"I don't know if I can forgive you, you hurt my feelings so bad..." said Ryo.

And then, without warning, Natalie kissed Ryo on the cheek. Ryo blushed again uncontrollably. This was his first kiss ever.

"Are you feeling better now Ryo?" asked Natalie.

"DID YOU JUST KISS ME?!" asked Ryo.

"Why? You want more?" asked Natalie. Ryo took a few steps back and covered his face with his paws.

"Please no...that is enough...I can't handle the feelings..." said Ryo.

"Be honest with me Ryo. Do you like me?..." asked Natalie.

"Do YOU like me?" asked Ryo.

"Of course. I love you Ryo...You are like a sweet little brother to me...I have always wanted to have a little brother to play with..." said Natalie. Ryo strangely felt a little bit disappointed when he heard Natalie saying that.

"Well...You are like a big sister to me..." said Ryo dishonestly.

"Awww, how adorable! Thanks Ryo!" said Natalie as she hugged the riolu. Ryo was enjoying every moment of it. Being kissed and hugged by his crush was more than what he ever wanted.

"By the way, your tea is getting cold. You should drink your tea now..." said Natalie.

"You too..." said Ryo.

As Natalie was about to drink her tea, suddenly the cup cracked, spilling the green tea that it contained all over the table.


"Are you okay?" asked Ryo.

"This is not a good sign...." Said Natalie.

"What do you mean?" asked Ryo.

"Well, I know that I shouldn't believe in ill omens but I have a bad feeling about my parents" said Natalie.

"They have been away for two weeks and there is no news about my parents until now. They are traveling to Dubris, a city not very far from Aeterna. Usually, a journey to Dubris only takes two or three I'm worried about my parents...What if they have been captured by bandits?...." said Natalie.

"You are worrying too much Natalie...I'm sure they are fine..." said Ryo.

"Yeah...I sure hope so. By the way, do you want to have a sleepover?" asked Natalie.

"Sorry...not today. Tomorrow is Monday." Said Ryo.

"Oh yeah... I forgot, hehe..." said Natalie.

Ryo continued to accompany Natalie at her mansion until dusk. At 4 pm, the blizzard subsided so Ryo decided to go home. He bade goodbye to Natalie and walked through the thick snow to reach his home. By the time he arrived, he was too tired so he slept right away.

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