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| Fourth Capture [ ¯ ] |

| Fourth Capture [ ◉¯ ] |

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"I have a what?"

"You heard me. You'll be meeting at Target at 9:30, so get going." His supervisor walked away, scribbling against the paper attached to his clipboard.

"This some bullshit." He grumbled, slipping the brown jacket onto his body, adjusting the beanie on his head, taking his seat at the wheel of his truck, and sliding the door shut.

He watched as his coworkers finished tossing the last set of boxes into the back and groaned.

As a member of the company for four consecutive years, with October rounding the corner and the ripple of holidays to come trotting behind it, he had already planned his upcoming weeks accordingly. This meant a completely cleared schedule Monday through Saturday, unless there was an emergency. With no responsibilities aside from himself and the apartment he occupied, he had all the time to do it, in addition to overtime hours if needed.

It was the holiday season, which meant packages were congested in the trucks. Christmas being the root of all the shipping and receiving supply chain companies' traffic and busiest time of the year, the holiday accumulates an overwhelming aggregation of them to be delivered than usual due to the many gift orders being placed.

For Asim Haines, this only meant earlier days and longer nights, which he was perfectly fine with.

Granted, his task was to be completed in a timely manner, he still honored and appreciated the freedom he retained with the ability to work in solitude, absent of the weight and stifling of colleagues around him and a boss hovering over his should...

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Granted, his task was to be completed in a timely manner, he still honored and appreciated the freedom he retained with the ability to work in solitude, absent of the weight and stifling of colleagues around him and a boss hovering over his shoulder, monitoring his every move.

With soft music emerging from the small speaker of his phone resting on the dashboard of his truck, he hummed and softly sang along to the tune of whatever melody he had playing, all the while moving swiftly and efficiently in and out of the truck, delivering the packages to their rightful owners.

Though he had a handful of people whom he chose to socialize with ever so often, independence in his work is what he craved, which evidently has successfully ranked him one of the best in his department.

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