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July 29th, 2012

"What the fuck do I do?!" Eleanor was on the phone with her brother outside the restaurant, freaking out. Her girlfriend and the girl she had confusing ass feelings for were both there to see her play. She had no idea what to even think about that.

"Dude, I don't know?!" Hawk responded with just as much anxious confusion. "I can text Abby and see what the hell is up."

"We're going to move passed the fact that you have her number and apparently text her because I'm in crisis, but we're coming back to that." Eleanor stopped pacing for a second, letting this new piece of information about Patrick distract her.

"We're friends." She could practically hear him rolling his eyes. "Remember, I have that thing with Amara."

"Yeah, whatever." Eleanor huffed. "What do I do?! Maisy literally just became my girlfriend.

"Oh shit." Pat chuckled. "Congrats."

"Fuck off." Eleanor leaned against the wall of the restaurant.

"Is this you finally admitting that you have feelings for Taylor?"

Eleanor screwed her eyes shut. He was right, she knew that, but they had agreed to be friends. And she liked Maisy! They had had a good day today. "I think I like her. But it's just a crush. I can't throw away my new relationship for a possibility."

"I can't tell you what to do, but I'll support what you do."  Her brother spoke softly. "All I know is you have a sure bet with Maisy, but some insane tension with Taylor."

Eleanor took a deep breath, calming herself. She was working herself up. Taylor showed up as a friend. Maisy was her girlfriend. Her decision was clear.

"Thanks for talking me down." Eleanor smiled. "You're the best twin slash older brother."

A moment of quiet passed between the two of them. He didn't even have to say anything for her to know what he was thinking. He thought she was going to slip again.

"Hey," he caught her attention, breaking the silence, "don't spin out."

Eleanor smiled at his concern. "I'll stay good."

The hung up not too long after and she made her way back into the restaurant, taking a moment to calm her nerves before walking into the lion's den.

She found her seat between Maisy and Taylor, forcing a smile that looked as genuine as possible.

Taylor and Alex were in a very intense conversation, with Alex absolutely freaking out.

"Wait so you met at a party?" Alex asked, leaning as close as possible to Taylor.

Taylor nodded. "And Nell tried to fight a guy."

"In my defense!" Eleanor jumped in to defend herself. "That asshole dumped his beer all over us. I wasn't going to stand for that."

"She's such a white knight." Taylor rolled her eyes with a laugh.

Eleanor began to relax as she watched her team get along with her best friend. Everyone seemed to be having a good time with the new addition. Taylor became a quick team favorite, everyone clamoring over who was asking her what and she fit seamlessly into their banter.

Everyone seemed more lively. Except Maisy.

Eleanor slipped her hand into the goalie's under the table, shooting her a curious look. "You okay?" She mouthed to her girlfriend.

Invisible String [T.S-E.S BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now