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July 16th, 2012

Taylor threw her songbook across the room in frustration. The album was done but her inspiration was still flowing and she couldn't stop writing. And her muse was the most frustrating part of all. Eleanor. The girl she'd been texting nonstop was infiltrating every single part of her mind. Somehow she had even managed to worm her way into some tracks that even made the album. It took her a couple of weeks but she finally got it a few days ago, which created the frustration she was now experiencing.

She was falling for Eleanor.

She didn't necessarily know how to deal with that. For as long as she had had her suspicions of liking girls, she never thought she'd have to confront it. She always fell for guys. There were some intense crushes here and there and she had technically been one one 'date' with a girl, but she didn't even know it was a date, so it doesn't count. No one had ever made her feel as intensely as she felt now, not even her ex boyfriends. But then perfect, beautiful Eleanor came along. It was like the soccer player was a drug and Taylor was hooked.

Her whole perception of the world was changing and Eleanor was to blame. There was an ache in her heart that she knew could only be dulled by being in close proximity to the soccer player.

She wasn't ready to put her heart on display for the world world. She couldn't. The media would destroy her before she even had a chance to breathe. But she needed Eleanor in her life. And it's not like Eleanor was out either.

Her phone rang from its spot on the bed, her mom's name flashing on the screen.

That was another thing.

"Hey mom!" She put on her best cheerful performance despite the continuous ache in her heart.

"Taylor, sweetheart, I just made a batch of cookies. Do you want me to bring you some before Austin eats them all?" Her moms voice came through the phone, followed by a loud "Hey!" from Austin. 

Taylor giggled, the ache subsiding slightly. "Sure. I'd love that."

"Great! I'll be there in an hour." Her mom told her. "I love you."

"I love you too." Taylor said, hanging up the phone.

She sighed loudly, picking herself up off her bed. She loved her mom more than anyone in the world but right now is not the time for her to be facing her. She might just fuck everything up.

The blonde made her way across the room, accidentally kicking the songbook out into the hallway as she left the bedroom.

"Ow, fuck!" She winced, having stubbed her toe on the foot. "Why!"

She semi-hobbled into the living area over her apartment. It was too big for her liking. Too empty. She needed something or someone else taking up space. Maybe then her heart wouldn't be aching so bad for the athlete on her mind.

She opened her computer for a distraction, browsing for nothing in particular. Of course she found her way onto Olympics news. She couldn't help herself.

US Women's National Soccer Team Adds Brand New Rookie To Olympics Roster: Eleanor Slater

She stopped herself from clicking on the article. Instead, she found herself reading up on the soccer schedule for the tournament. She started mapping in her head what Eleanor and her teammates would have to do to win it. She started looking at the schedules for the first and second games. She contemplated looking at ticket sales.

She shut off her computer quickly after that. She was not going to entertain thoughts like that. That would only make her heart ache even more.

Maybe she could text someone while she waited for her mom to interrupt her inner musings, for better or worse.

Invisible String [T.S-E.S BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now